Blender 2.8 for NWN

Hi there
I have really enjoyed creating custom content for NWN, however it took me longer then it could have to learn what I know if someone would have created video's to show me what I needed to know. There for, I have decided that I wanted to help others learn in a way that I wish I could have.
Blender 2.8 for NWN E01
- What all you need and where to find them.
- Importing and Exporting mdl files.
Setting up Addons for Blender 2.8
What I had someone contact me having prolems getting addons to work with Blender 2.8, There for I created this video hopling to help others with setting up addons for Blender 2.8
Blender 2.8 for NWN E02
Starting to learn Blender
How to . . . . .
- Move around the camera view
- Move, rotate, scale objects
- Toggle from object to edit mode
- Select objects, verts, edges, and faces
- Inset face edges
- Exxtrude faces
Blender 2.8 for NWN E03
Editing a Model/Mesh
- Turning a Cube into a Rocket
- Turning a Rocket into an Arrow
Blender 2.8 for NWN E04
- Chopping up a model/mesh
- Texturing a Model
Blender 2.8 for NWN E05
- Linking and Unlinking models/meshes to the base (Parent/Arura Base)
Blender 2.8 for NWN E06
- Creating and Texturing a Adobe Building
Blender 2.8 for NWN E07
- Creating Aurora Base
Blender 2.8 for NWN E08
- Creating a Walkmesh
I have created a website for all my projects TOP NWN
Post edited by Tonden on
Blender 2.8 for NWN E01
- What all you need and where to find them.
- Importing and Exporting mdl files.
Blender 2.8 for NWN E02
How to . . . . .
- Move around the camera view
- Move, rotate, scale objects
- Toggle from object to edit mode
- Select objects, verts, edges, and faces
- Inset face edges
- Exxtrude faces
Blender 2.8 for NWN E03
- Turn a Cube into a Rocket
- Turn a Rocket into an Arrow
Blender 2.8 for NWN E04
- Chop a mesh up into different parts
- Texture each part
Setting up addons for Blender 2.8
Someone contacted me having problems getting addons to work with Blender 2.8 so I decided to create a video just about setting up addons for Blender 2.8.
I hope it helps someone else in the future.
Blender 2.8 for NWN E05
I wanted to go over how to link and unlink models/meshes to the base (Parent/Arura Base)
Blender 2.8 for NWN E06
Creating and Texturing a Adobe Building
Blender 2.8 for NWN E07
Creating Aurora Base
Blender 2.8 for NWN E08
Creating Walkmesh
Im all for helping others to be able to create as well.
Please don't forget how important it is that the vertices along the edges align properly with the ones of adjacent tiles. You only set the outer edges to 5 and -5, but didn't change the other vertices at all. Since you just extruded edges randomly, the verts will be all over the place and never align with those of adjacent tiles. If you make a tile that is added to one of the vanilla tilesets, you also shouldn't have that many vertices along the edges at all, you only need three, one at 0, 5 and -5. I also don't understand the whole extruding again and again. Can't you just make a 5x5 plane in Blender?
Yeah you can make a 5x5 in blender I was just using extruding
Thanks for pointing that out and I will look into recreating the video to make sure I point that out as well.