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NWN Player Bic File to HTML

I wanted a tool that could take a bic and print out the level progressions for some of my old builds so I wrote this tool / website. It uploads a bic and reverse engineers the class, abilities, feat, skill and spell progressions by level.

It is built using ruby on rails and the nwn-lib gem. I'm sure it still has some bugs and I need to work on monks and rangers bab/attacks a bit more but it should work for most builds. It is also fugly and output using html tables, but hey, I'm a backend dev.

The url is

This is just a start. I could see this turning into an on-line editor for gff files with some love and time. If enough folks are interested, I could open up the source for community dev.

If you enjoy this tool, checkout my pw called 'The Boneyard' and if you see me say hi - Seed.


  • AtrophiedericAtrophiederic Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 148
    Tried it, but it timed out on my pc. I will keep trying, though.

    I think this is a smashing idea! Now, I don't know anything about translation of .bic files, but do you know if there is there a way to read inventory? Essentially to grab a snapshot of the character? That would be the shizzle!

  • dunahandunahan Member Posts: 139
    @Atrophiederic that should be possible. With those tools I know (from @niv or @Liareth), it's already possible to convert a bic file. This file could be read and so on...
  • SeedSeed Member Posts: 6
    Yes, it should be showing the entirity of the character sheet + the equipped inventory. I didn't list out the non-equipped inventory, but that would be as simple as sending that list into the display class.

    Here's one I uploaded -

    It's an heroku app and free, so if not actively being used, it will shut down. I'm sure there are a few bugs too for a few classes that I need to work through.
  • SeedSeed Member Posts: 6
    I fixed some bugs in the display of item properties and things are running smoother. Thanks to those who have been using this.
  • SeedSeed Member Posts: 6
    Patched up some more display issues related to missing 2da entries for hak-pak items. Thanks again all who are using for uncovering these bugs.
  • jpsweeney94jpsweeney94 Member Posts: 98
    Could something similar be done to get all the items a character has in their inventory from a bic file and display it on a web page?
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