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Heroes of BG Portraits

I just drew these out of the pdf for use in a modded BG2 run, and I thought I would share them here.


  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    Damn elves. They have no right to age that well! :P
  • Gatekeep3rGatekeep3r Member Posts: 123
    Looking good!
  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    There are a bunch more, these were just the ones I happened to make for my current run, I'll get around to converting the others.


  • FrostHarui89FrostHarui89 Member Posts: 5
    Damn I wanted to install this but Apple is being a annoying nuisance and not letting people add stuff to the game.
  • Fina92Fina92 Member Posts: 284
    @Deucetipher Nice! Looking forward to your take on Viconia. Still haven't found a portrait of her that matches my tastes and idea of how she should look :wink:
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @Deucetipher , Those portraits are amazing. If anybody ever puts together a complete set in that style, I'd be very interested in downloading and using them.
  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    @BelgarathMTH , it's pretty good coverage. 14/25, excluding eenpcs. Though I don't think faldorn's image really works as a portrait. I'll get around to uploading the others from the .pdf at some point or another

    Also, I took the liberty of zooming in a bit more on Jaheira and Dynaheir to avoid putting cleavage on prominent display, which is why they are a bit different in scale. Ditto for minsc, because I wanted to ensure boo was in the portrait
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited June 2019
    @Deucetipher , Thanks for sharing your work with the community.

    It's important to me that all my portraits match styles, so I don't think I'd use the set in practice unless I also had player character portraits redone in the style (I usually use "Abdel's" picture if I'm playing an armor user, or Garrick's picture if I'm playing a cloth user.)

    I would need the "canon" party, and probably Ajantis and Branwen, at the least. I'd prefer a mod that would also put the portraits onto all companions, such that I wouldn't have to manually Keeper in the changes, but that might be asking too much. Maybe one of our resident modders will take a liking to the portrait set after it's done and will kindly write a portrait replacement mod for the community. :)

    EDIT: The "canon" party is already done, of course. You just posted it. :)
  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    I really want to emphasize again that this is not my work. It is from the Heroes of Baldur's Gate sourcebook. I just made portraits from it. The character illustrator is listed as Lius Lasahido.
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    Man, Khalid looks unrecognizable. :O Great portraits though! I think I prefer Viconia's BG2 portrait over this one though; might just be the lighting, but Viconia's skin tone looks way too pale.
  • Black_ElkBlack_Elk Member Posts: 30
    edited July 2019
    These are great! Thanks
    Similar crops but in a more impressive style. Will probably use those on the next run.

    I had been using some IWD alternates, also a few a few other good moderns in this portrait set to try and go custom for all the companions...

    It seemed to me that most of the first IWD set was like a redux of the BG characters, and still looked good when brought into BG. But I like the charm of those Heroes aboves, since they are clearly the characters but with a more coherent visual style than the originals.

    Let us know if you get the others up, they're pretty cool.

  • Black_ElkBlack_Elk Member Posts: 30
    edited July 2019
    Ps. Khalid probably looks a little strange on account of the beard. Since usually Elves are depicted without facial hair, and I think it was written down somewhere way back when that full Elves just couldn't grow whiskers. Doubtless on account of Tolkien. (I gotta say though, sometimes Xan does look like he's trying to pull off a highschool mustache, but that might just be pixelation and poor lighting hehe). Halflings too, with the exception of their glorious mutton chops. But who can say whether that's still worth holding on to beard prohibitions this many editions later?
    Post edited by Black_Elk on
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    Yep. Full-blooded elves (in most settings anyway. May not apply to elves from especially outre settings like Darksun) actually have no body hair whatsoever. Half-elves do not have the same restriction (as famously evidenced by Tanis Half-Elven from Dragonlance). I'm not 100% sure about 2nd Ed Halflings, but 3rd Ed Halflings can grow facial hair, although most prefer to keep clean-shaven or maintain short, neat beards. (Mostly due to their fairly nomadic lifestyle in 3E; long beards would pick up dust and pests in short order when you're constantly on the road.)
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    Khalid and Jaheira are both half-elves.

    I'm suddenly curious - if two half-elves have a child, is there a chance the child could be born as a full-blooded human, or a full-blooded elf? I doubt it's a simple 25-25-50 genetic equation like there might be for a single physical trait. But if it's as complicated as real-life genetics, there would be a lot of different mixtures of half-elf with a lot of degrees of characteristics from both races present in the children.
  • _Connacht__Connacht_ Member Posts: 169
    edited July 2019
    Khalid and Jaheira are both half-elves.

    I'm suddenly curious - if two half-elves have a child, is there a chance the child could be born as a full-blooded human, or a full-blooded elf? I doubt it's a simple 25-25-50 genetic equation like there might be for a single physical trait. But if it's as complicated as real-life genetics, there would be a lot of different mixtures of half-elf with a lot of degrees of characteristics from both races present in the children.

    I don't think it would be easy. Assuming that elves and humans are two different but cross-fertile species, two entire genomes would come into the equation. Like interbreeding the spawn of a tigon and a liger, then expecting purebred tigers or lions. If we assume that elves and humans are the same species but two different subspecies, then it's like breeding a wolf with a poodle, then breeding the puppies and expecting full blooded poodles or wolves.
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    Yeah, I'm inclined to agree with Connacht there. While it's technically feasible, the odds of it actually occurring would be so tiny as to be impractical. In game terms though, I think that for the purposes of considering whether or not a character is elf/orc/dwarf/etc. blooded for spells and magic items, I think that as long as you have a particular race in your ancestry, you still count as being of that race. (The DM can always rule if your ancestry is too distant, of course, if your only elf ancestor was like your great-great=great grandmother and you've got nothing else but humans in your family tree. :P)
  • ikubaikuba Member Posts: 37
    Here are Viconia, Kagain and Mortaron from that artworks set.
    I just edited original pictures to make them fit in-game size requirements and to hide logos

    Do not look at filenames:) when i used original character names for files there were collisions in game
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    Viconia must be getting a Strength boost from her equipment; there's no way she could carry all of that with her base Str. ;)
  • ikubaikuba Member Posts: 37
    Perhaps that is ankheg armor painted in gold to look like rich bitch
    And as for shield ...well she doesn't actually wield it, she is just standing near it:)
    Maybe it is even not her shield
  • Black_ElkBlack_Elk Member Posts: 30
    edited July 2019
    I guess if she can somehow talk charname out of every single Tome of Understanding, she probably got the guantlets too hehe.

    Half way to Canon right?
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