Graphic Settings

Hi guys,
On the graphical settings, I only get the option to turn on and off the full screen.
Where are the other stuff like resolution, for example!
On the graphical settings, I only get the option to turn on and off the full screen.
Where are the other stuff like resolution, for example!
Would be neat if there was an option to pick the font size in Graphics. Current one is too small for my comfort, and it'd be good to have the setting easily reachable as opposed to having to muck about with baldur.ini.
Yeah, but you don't need reso;ution, since you can zoom in/out.
So yeah... I think we don't need options :P
I'm still in Creation Screen, so no gameplay to test THE graphic setting yet! Haha!
At this point, it's unplayable
if you have a nvidia graphic card (i don't know how for ati one), you MUST"desactivated" the FXAA setting in the nvidia configuration tool.
more info :
the "EDIT 2".