How do I start NWN when I am not online?

I usually start neverwinter nights through the beamdog client by clicking "play", but that does not work when I am not online. Is there another way to start the game when I am not online?
I tried clicking the "nwn" file in the "document\Neverwinter Nights" directory and all that does is open the file in an editor.
I tried clicking the "nwn" file in the "document\Neverwinter Nights" directory and all that does is open the file in an editor.
for Steam the default would be SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Neverwinter Nights
for Beamdog client it'll be something like (wherever you installed the client) Beamdog Client\00785\bin\win32
You can launch nwmain.exe from there directly or create a shortcut in an easier to access location for yourself.