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Changing the FPS on EE?

Does anyone know if you can change the fps to above 30, I used to play baldurs gate at 60fps and was wondering if its possible to do so? Thanks!


  • Stargazer5781Stargazer5781 Member Posts: 183
    Go into your documents and into the Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition Folder. Open Baldur.ini with wordpad. Scroll down to "Maximum Frame Rate" and change it from 30 to 60. I think that will do the trick.
  • erimustychoerimustycho Member Posts: 2
    Thanks alot for the response! I tried what you said, but when I load the game back up again it seems to still run at 30fps. Im not sure if I have done something wrong, but when I go back into the baldur.ini file it is still set at 60?
  • ElendarElendar Member Posts: 831
    Well if anyone figures out how to get it to actually work, let us know.... Game is annoying as hell on 30fps.
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    edited November 2012

    Go into your documents and into the Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition Folder. Open Baldur.ini with wordpad. Scroll down to "Maximum Frame Rate" and change it from 30 to 60. I think that will do the trick.

    If you do that, the game will run twice as fast since the graphics and the engine itself cannot be easily separated. There are other threads asking this and they get this same answer. If you must have someone to blame for this travesty, blame the BG1 team from 1998.
  • ElendarElendar Member Posts: 831
    Flashburn said:

    Go into your documents and into the Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition Folder. Open Baldur.ini with wordpad. Scroll down to "Maximum Frame Rate" and change it from 30 to 60. I think that will do the trick.

    If you do that, the game will run twice as fast since the graphics and the engine itself cannot be easily separated. There are other threads asking this and they get this same answer. If you must have someone to blame for this travesty, blame the BG1 team from 1998.
    Thats kind of the point... we want it to run twice as fast because its annoyingly slow at 30.... BUT IT DOESN'T WORK.
  • HabadelromeHabadelrome Member Posts: 4
    A frame rate of 30 is a no go after ten years of playthroughs with 60. Hope someon finds a solution to this!
  • gloinunitgloinunit Member Posts: 25
    I also need the solution for this. I can't bear the slowness much longer.
  • MinscandBooMinscandBoo Member Posts: 77
    soluuuuution pls!
  • begolf00begolf00 Member Posts: 152
    agreed, hope this gets fixed
  • YemethYemeth Member Posts: 36
    couldnt agree more, its unplayable for me...:(
  • Aasimar069Aasimar069 Member Posts: 803
    The game is designed to do so because characters frame speed have to be synchronized with the moment they effectively hit their target.

    It is also bound to the fact hat there are rounds, turns, and so on ; it's not a real "real-time" RPG.

    So you can speed up the game to 33 frame per second, it's faster but still playable.
  • crawlkillcrawlkill Member Posts: 71
    I asked about this back on the AMA and was told (by a redditor, not a dev) that the config would be an option in-game. I only played at 45 FPS, but even that's a 50% jump. If we really can't use that core, why aren't I just playing Tutu? =(
  • LifatLifat Member Posts: 353
    Still no solution on how to turn up fps?
    The fps setting in the ini file is for maximum and for some reason it doesn't actually increase your fps.
  • IshmarilIshmaril Member Posts: 10
    I never really understand that, i mean, it may be me, but I don't see any difference betwen 30 and 60 fps. Dunno if my eyes are of a different kind, but i tried on different games, and nop, can't see anything different.
  • PROdotesPROdotes Member Posts: 5
    Ishmaril said:

    I never really understand that, i mean, it may be me, but I don't see any difference betwen 30 and 60 fps. Dunno if my eyes are of a different kind, but i tried on different games, and nop, can't see anything different.

    well you can see the difference... but on the other hand you can't...
    eyes can only see up to 25 fps, that part didn't change... but it's like changing a monitor from 50hz to 80hz... while you can't see it... you can still see it...

    personally... i play a lot ofgames on 20-30 fps since i have an old graphics card and i don't mind at all... when it drops under 25fps it's a bit "jumpy" but unplayable... silly gamers :)
  • serialiesserialies Member Posts: 45
    Not true, eyes can see well over 100 fps. average human is less than 100 fps though, there are online fps tests that let you judge for yourself
  • PROdotesPROdotes Member Posts: 5
    there's a difference between notice a difference and see... i can see if my old CRT is running on 50 or 75 Hz... but not cause i see it flickering, it's cause it hurts my eyes... if i had played games in 60+fps for a few years, i would prolly also "see" games running on 30 fps... but it still wouldn't bother me to the point of "i can't play this"... again... i've played stuff like gw2 on 15 fps and i can still play it...
  • gokkegokke Member Posts: 46
    the point is that the "Fps" changes game speed to faster, and some of us are DIEING inside waiting coz we can turn it up to at least 40,
  • serialiesserialies Member Posts: 45
    Right, but thats just you prodotes, lots of people in this thread want 40 fps and such, you telling us that we cant notice is incorrect.

    Just because you're satisfied doesn't mean that people who aren't are "silly"
  • PROdotesPROdotes Member Posts: 5
    well... yes and no... everyone can think what they want... that part is true... but to call a game unplayable just cause of low fps (or it being slow) it just plain silly... having a shooter with 5 fps might be unplayable... a rpg is still playable with even 5 fps... it's just tedious ;P
    wouldn't mind it being a bit faster tho... since i usually have to surf the web while waiting on my char to cross the map ^^
  • AlexDeLargeAlexDeLarge Member Posts: 273
    Lol apparently i'm the only guy in the world who has always played at 30 fps, because right now with EE, everything seems entirely natural in regards to speed. I didn't even know u can increase the speed.
  • Aasimar069Aasimar069 Member Posts: 803
    In fast-moving games (race, fps, plateformers), I can see the difference.

    In this game, I do not. Though the game is faster if you increase the IA updates per seconds (I have set it on 33)
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    The FPS issue is a known one. Something in baldur.ini wasn't recognizing it properly, so they're investigating what was causing it.
  • YemethYemeth Member Posts: 36
    cool, i am a bit more calm now :)
  • hieronimhieronim Member Posts: 6
    same here. I can't play this game with 30fps i always set on 45-60fps. IT:S SO SLOWWW!
  • kazrobkazrob Member Posts: 18
    PROdotes said:

    Ishmaril said:

    I never really understand that, i mean, it may be me, but I don't see any difference betwen 30 and 60 fps. Dunno if my eyes are of a different kind, but i tried on different games, and nop, can't see anything different.

    well you can see the difference... but on the other hand you can't...
    eyes can only see up to 25 fps, that part didn't change... but it's like changing a monitor from 50hz to 80hz... while you can't see it... you can still see it...

    personally... i play a lot ofgames on 20-30 fps since i have an old graphics card and i don't mind at all... when it drops under 25fps it's a bit "jumpy" but unplayable... silly gamers :)
    Not true you can tell the difference in much higher FPS. It only means that you need a minimum FPS of around 25fps for it to appear to be real action and not a fast slideshow. People often get those two confused.
  • kentonindykentonindy Member Posts: 2
    For those of you who're having difficulty understanding what is being asked here, the FPS issue has nothing to do with visual acuity or the rendering of graphics. The issue is that, for those of us who regularly increase the FPS in infinity engine games to 60, it's taking (for example) 22 seconds to walk from the starting point to where Gorion is standing, when we're used to it taking 11 seconds. All movement in the game feels insufferably slow, if you've been playing these games at double speed for 14 years now.
  • gloinunitgloinunit Member Posts: 25

    For those of you who're having difficulty understanding what is being asked here, the FPS issue has nothing to do with visual acuity or the rendering of graphics. The issue is that, for those of us who regularly increase the FPS in infinity engine games to 60, it's taking (for example) 22 seconds to walk from the starting point to where Gorion is standing, when we're used to it taking 11 seconds. All movement in the game feels insufferably slow, if you've been playing these games at double speed for 14 years now.

    Quoted for importance. We want things to happen faster not look better.
  • thedemoninsidethedemoninside Member Posts: 188
    For me it is a combination of the characters moving too slow, as well as the animations of the characters being way too noticeably choppy. Doubling the speed helps out both situations considerably. Another annoying thing is pathing nodes. They should be set by default to be way higher than they were 14 years ago. Computers are much more capable of handling higher settings than what they left them for both of these.

    It just seems like an incredibly stupid oversight to me not to increase them by default, or to make it easy for the end user to do so in game.
  • VetrilVetril Member Posts: 22
    Hope they hotfix this in the next few days :D
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