BG2EE, EEKeeper, Romance Variables

Hello, I have been playing the Baldurs Gate series off and on for a a little while..
I recently finished SoD for the first time with my half-orc barbarian, and just started BG2EE. I know that Jaheria normally won't romance half-orcs, but I wanted to try. I recently started using EEKeeper a bit just for some minor changes, so I'm hardly an expert. I did a fair bit of searching, and from what I can pick up I need to change the CHECKJAHERIAMATCH and JAHERIAROMANCE variables, or something. however, I can't find either of those in the Global Variables tab in EEKeeper. I just escaped Irenicus dungeon. Will they show up after time passes, or do I need to add variables. If I need to add them, what should I add?
Thanks for any help.
I recently finished SoD for the first time with my half-orc barbarian, and just started BG2EE. I know that Jaheria normally won't romance half-orcs, but I wanted to try. I recently started using EEKeeper a bit just for some minor changes, so I'm hardly an expert. I did a fair bit of searching, and from what I can pick up I need to change the CHECKJAHERIAMATCH and JAHERIAROMANCE variables, or something. however, I can't find either of those in the Global Variables tab in EEKeeper. I just escaped Irenicus dungeon. Will they show up after time passes, or do I need to add variables. If I need to add them, what should I add?
Thanks for any help.