Custom Portraits for EET?
in BGII:EE Mods
Hey there,
had some trouble with my latest EET-install. I picked the wrong portraitpack and than everything looked ugly. So I got the right Portraipack as a .zip file and put the pictures....everywhere. I put them into the Portraits-Folder in the BGIIEE and BGEE Installdirectory, as in the Overridefolders of both, as in the Portraitsfolder under Documents\BGEET and BGEE and BGIIEE... but in Chractercreation the game still told me when I clicked on "Custom" that I need to put the files into Documents\BGEET\Portraits and what resolution they should have. The resolution is all correct, the naming is all correct, the filesizes are all correct, the format is all correct. It did simply not load any of the portraits!
How do I make that work??? Im now setting up a fresh install of EET...again...if this doesnt work this time, Im simply giving up on it. Having a tool to sort modinstallation for you is a good idea, but with the barebone description of the mods, the inability to deinstall single components or change them a once finished installation and a barely understandable process of how it solves the modconflicts shown to you, it is probably easier if I install the mods the hard way and read up on the correctinstallationorder =/.
I do still think the tool is great and the idea behind it is simply awesome, but it needs a lot more accessability, Im no coder, modder, programmer or any of that. Without any understandable descriptions in the program itself, Im prone to make errors in the installationprocess. And that process takes literally HOURS.
Can anyone please tell me what I did wrong? How can I add custom portraits? How can I choose freely what portraitselectionmethod I want (I want to use the one that shows 10 protratis at a time, I selected it, but it was automatically overritten by some other tool)? Is there anyway to update/change a once completed installation of EET; removing single components you dont want (like a wrong portraitpack that changes every NPC portrait in the game...) and replace it with the one you wanted without having a 3hours reinstallation to be done???
had some trouble with my latest EET-install. I picked the wrong portraitpack and than everything looked ugly. So I got the right Portraipack as a .zip file and put the pictures....everywhere. I put them into the Portraits-Folder in the BGIIEE and BGEE Installdirectory, as in the Overridefolders of both, as in the Portraitsfolder under Documents\BGEET and BGEE and BGIIEE... but in Chractercreation the game still told me when I clicked on "Custom" that I need to put the files into Documents\BGEET\Portraits and what resolution they should have. The resolution is all correct, the naming is all correct, the filesizes are all correct, the format is all correct. It did simply not load any of the portraits!
How do I make that work??? Im now setting up a fresh install of EET...again...if this doesnt work this time, Im simply giving up on it. Having a tool to sort modinstallation for you is a good idea, but with the barebone description of the mods, the inability to deinstall single components or change them a once finished installation and a barely understandable process of how it solves the modconflicts shown to you, it is probably easier if I install the mods the hard way and read up on the correctinstallationorder =/.
I do still think the tool is great and the idea behind it is simply awesome, but it needs a lot more accessability, Im no coder, modder, programmer or any of that. Without any understandable descriptions in the program itself, Im prone to make errors in the installationprocess. And that process takes literally HOURS.
Can anyone please tell me what I did wrong? How can I add custom portraits? How can I choose freely what portraitselectionmethod I want (I want to use the one that shows 10 protratis at a time, I selected it, but it was automatically overritten by some other tool)? Is there anyway to update/change a once completed installation of EET; removing single components you dont want (like a wrong portraitpack that changes every NPC portrait in the game...) and replace it with the one you wanted without having a 3hours reinstallation to be done???
I did use EE-Keeper and got a mild migraine before I figuered out that it is actually looking for portraits in the Override-Folder. (?) Is there anyway to configure EE-Keeper so it does not look in the wrong place for the Portraits??? Like...u know, look in the designated folder?
I dont know if the game does that too, but it would explain certain odd behaviours when choosing portraits (like multiple hundreds of black portraits inbetween...yeah, thx for the klicking, my indexfinger really needed the workout). Now, of course I cant really proof this easily, but all my Portraits are from well known Mods used by multiple thousand people and a few hundred black portraits in the selectionscreen should have probably been noticed by a few of the fellow modusers by now... I think.
Again: Anyway for me to configure where the game looks for portraits? You know...something simple like an .ini file where I just have to write down the directory or such? No? Well...Ill get drunk than...
Worked for me.
And put them only in this portrait folder, not the Installdirectory one.