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Problem with NWN:EE using two monitors....

I wanted to get some game time in before I had to leave for the afternoon, so I tried to load NWN:EE. I have two monitors, and when I load the game, both monitors show the initial game loading screen, but one of the screens had the main screen page, the other has just the screen showing the Beamdog logo. The mouse cursor is on the screen without the main screen, and to do anything, I have to control-alt-delete and close the game in the task manager. I tried pushing window-P, but my settings there show that, since I have two monitors, they are on extend, so this game should only appear on one monitor. Can someone help me please?


  • RifkinRifkin Member Posts: 146
    try using alt+enter to force it into windowed mode, then move it to your desired monitor and alt+enter again to return to fullscreen.
  • NeveroddoreveNNeveroddoreveN Member Posts: 193
    Thanks for the advice, Rifkin! I just wanted to clarify - when I load NWN:EE, one screen will have the Beamdog logo, and the other has the initial screen where I can load a game, start a new one, etc. My problem is that my mouse is stuck on the screen without the menu, but my mouse cursor seems to effect the menu on the other screen. This is so weird. I am trying to have the mouse cursor be on the same screen as the menu.
  • NeveroddoreveNNeveroddoreveN Member Posts: 193
    So, I tried what Rifkin suggested about putting the game into windowed mode and dragging the screen to the desired monitor. And here is what I have found - first, when playing the game in windowed mode, I can't see my quickslots at the bottom of my screen. That said, when I take the game out of windowed mode, two things happen - first, I can then see my quickslots, but in turn I am back to my original problem with "actual" NWN:EE on one monitor, and my cursor and a frozen copy of the game in the other. Dragging the gameplay window to either monitor does not fix the problem. I even tried win-P to alter the monitor scheme, but I already have my monitors on "extend", not "duplicate". Does anyone have thoughts on this?
  • NeveroddoreveNNeveroddoreveN Member Posts: 193
    I am going to try and put NWN:EE on one monitor and disable the other one, but I am also open for suggestions.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    that is strange, i use 2 monitors, didn't do any adjusting at all, and i never get this problem

    and for graphic card wise im using asus ROG strix 2080ti

    are you running your monitors at a whacky resolution? ( like 7680x2160 or 3840x1080 or something like that? )

    if so maybe try running the monitors down to 1920x1080 or 2560x1440 ( if you aren't already )
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