New traps detection
in BGII:EE Mods
Can anyone make a BGT\EET tweak that makes it possible to detect traps immediately? as soon as they are within detection range provided that you got enough find traps?
Ardanis suggested this solution (that I'm not able to realize): just spawn a spy over the trap and force a modified Detect Traps with reduced radius to reveal it. Some traps however have pretty wild distance between their object's location (where OT text pops up) and their actual polygon, though, so there might be a few hiccups along the way.
Can anyone make a BGT\EET tweak that makes it possible to detect traps immediately? as soon as they are within detection range provided that you got enough find traps?
Ardanis suggested this solution (that I'm not able to realize): just spawn a spy over the trap and force a modified Detect Traps with reduced radius to reveal it. Some traps however have pretty wild distance between their object's location (where OT text pops up) and their actual polygon, though, so there might be a few hiccups along the way.