Well, it wasn't so bad

It took 2.25 hours longer than the official "live" time but hey, that wasn't a big deal.
Been playing since (mostly, took a break to grab dinner and play with my daughter.) I am having no stability issues so far (even jumping back and forth alt+tabbing to talk to friends and answer some business email.) I am also having a blast with the revamped engine and higher resolution. Can't zoom all the way in without it looking like ass, of course, but I can zoom in pretty far and enjoy it still.
I figured with the torrent of complaint topics around I may as well chime in for the "everything went better than expected" camp. I'm used to (in my other hobbies, primarily firearms) staying far, far away from any new product for at least several months as people pay to be beta testers. So far I am having no issues, and the small time I didn't get to play the game when I thought I would be able to is insignificant in the scheme of things.
So, thanks guys. I appreciate the game.
Been playing since (mostly, took a break to grab dinner and play with my daughter.) I am having no stability issues so far (even jumping back and forth alt+tabbing to talk to friends and answer some business email.) I am also having a blast with the revamped engine and higher resolution. Can't zoom all the way in without it looking like ass, of course, but I can zoom in pretty far and enjoy it still.
I figured with the torrent of complaint topics around I may as well chime in for the "everything went better than expected" camp. I'm used to (in my other hobbies, primarily firearms) staying far, far away from any new product for at least several months as people pay to be beta testers. So far I am having no issues, and the small time I didn't get to play the game when I thought I would be able to is insignificant in the scheme of things.
So, thanks guys. I appreciate the game.