First Impressions?

Well, I've gotten through a fair bit of the Black Pits so far and walked through the single player adventure, and things look great! There's been a few hiccups, but most of the new features seem to work well, and the new layout looks nice. I'm already starting to feel that joyful nostalgia of a good RPG.
In terms of bugs, I did have firebead elvenhair walk through the north wall of candlekeep inn and disappear on me while getting in a tussle with him, lol. The only other bug I've noticed is the little scrolls scrolls appearing a bit disjointed when you press tab on a portrait name (length of name may be a bit too long?).
I have to say though, I'm a bit disappointed by the lack of multiplayer options in the first version, people trying to connect by IP aren't having a good time of it. But I suppose they're waiting for the other platforms to get released first?
It looks like a lot of time and effort was put into these new areas and dialogue, as well as lots and lots of tiny detail. So far so good!
In terms of bugs, I did have firebead elvenhair walk through the north wall of candlekeep inn and disappear on me while getting in a tussle with him, lol. The only other bug I've noticed is the little scrolls scrolls appearing a bit disjointed when you press tab on a portrait name (length of name may be a bit too long?).
I have to say though, I'm a bit disappointed by the lack of multiplayer options in the first version, people trying to connect by IP aren't having a good time of it. But I suppose they're waiting for the other platforms to get released first?
It looks like a lot of time and effort was put into these new areas and dialogue, as well as lots and lots of tiny detail. So far so good!
But I'm having a blast. I can't wait till Gorion dies so I can get out of Candlekeep. Course I suppose I don't have to...I could just endlessly poke the patrolling guards forever. And Gorion won't die. And I bet the world won't end either. BUH WHAHAHA! Outsmarted you Bioware/Beamdog!
Most likely though I'm going to gather my party before venturing forth and see if I can kick that stupid black bear's arse. God I hate that black bear.
Montaron and Xzar wouldn't join me. That's never happened before. This is like playing a whole new game.
Very sad
An annoying thing for me is that I seem to have to double click sometimes before my character will go and do what they're supposed to; I know I'm not just misclicking because the sound clip for selection plays twice.
Also Some of the new dialogue seems a little wooden in delivery and out of keeping with the rest of the writing but otherwise okay; I would actually probably prefer it if they didn't speak all there lines and only some for flavour.
Why do I have to create a portraits folder on my c drive rather than the b it is installed to??
Still a fun game that I would recommend
1. The fact that the setting to disable printing selection/command blurbs in the dialogue box doesn't function currently. It's a huge amount of clutter in a tough battle where you select and order tons of people, and I really use the combat feedback, I use the 'Attacks someone' messages to determine who the ogre is chasing for example, and I have to-hit rolls enabled so I can see what rolls I'm missing with, and have an idea of the enemy's AC, as well as to judge if my tanks have enough AC for "Crit or miss" status with the enemies I'm fighting, which can determine how I allocate the best equipment.
2. There's a lot of erroneousness, at least in the interface if not the gameplay itself with regard to stats. People have reported issues with THAC0 and strength damage with throwing axes for example, and Gnomes arbitrarily being capped at Wis 16(-2) instead of their -1, bugged Kensai AC, etc. It just creates an aura of uncertainty, and I'm afraid I'll rediscover long-fixed bugs like Magic Missile doing 1d4 instead of 1d4+1 per missile, or companions not getting racial save bonuses.
I can see why other people might not be bothered with these though, I've been in the BG community long enough, and browsed these forums enough to know that most people still don't really understand the BG/IE implementation of 2E AD&D, and I see erroneous or wrong information repeated constantly. People just genuinely don't notice when things aren't working as they should, since they never knew how it worked in the first place.
Some minor gripes? First the spell icons in the books look very poor. Another when wearing headphones it seems like left and right sound are either or, with a tiny center screen that plays sound in both speakers. Kind of jarring.
Thankyou Overhaul and Beamdog. Youve done a wonderful job on my favourite game ever ever.
There are a few interface anomalies which I hope get cleaned up soon. The one that 'bugs' me the most is in my multiplayer game, when the text window expands, sometimes the window glitches and doesn't display the text right, or else it will show two windows on top of each other.
Good to hear that... The amount of hate going on about the game crashes/bugs and things not being as amazing as they expected has gotten me down. But the actual quality of the new NPCs and areas hasnt been talked about too much, even though these are the main things we should be looking at to see if these guys can pull off BG3.
Bugs and stuff can be ironed out over time, if the actual content quality is rubbish then we're all doomed (as Xan would say).
The game is running smoothly, I also love the ulta-quick-save and the fast map transition!
As for my first impressions... Good, generally. Runs nice and smooth, instant load is nice, sounds and feels like BG from what bit I played and the zoom is as expected. Havent played enough to comment on new NPCs etc.
Bad things for me, only a couple so far. The UI seems a bit blurry? I dont know why, as id have thoght it would be crisp clear as it was being re-done. I hope they can fix this. No Graphics options? I'd like to be able to set my in game resolution. I dont dislike 1PP, but id prefer everything as far as animations, sprites etc are concerned to be the same as in BG1. I know they explained their reasons months ago, but its still what id prefer.
All in all im happy, and I still have faith that after ironing out all the bugs, adding in new content and tweaks through DLC that this will be the "best version of Baldurs Gate available", which is what they set out to do in the first place.