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Dorn Is Acting Very Strangely (Won't Move When Told & The Cursor is Blinking) 520 hours lost...

I have over 500 hours invested in this game and I'm truly devastated. I have been gaming since I was 3 and a half (In 1980) and never looked back. Baldur's Gate is my all time Favorite game, so I was really heart broken when I tried to return to my save to find Dorn is acting strange. He wont move properly when commanded and the cursor/pointer keeps Blinking for some reason. If You could help me fix this, i would be profoundly greatful.

I can see the solution that Julius posted but to be honest, i'm not that bright. I'm the kind of guy who needs things explaied on a more simple level. Could you break down the Consoe Commands parts into steps I can grasp the solution ?

If anyone out there help me finish this game, I would be eternally greatful.

Andrew M.


  • ElysianEchoesElysianEchoes Member Posts: 475
    Maybe try removing Dorn from your party? It might get him to walk over to you, instead of wherever he thinks he's walking now.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    You could also try killing and raising him.
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