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Dual Class taken out completely!?

I don't like how they completely removed dual class, it really take away from having a unique character that is weak at the beginning and could potentially be powerful at the end.


  • AlexMAlexM Member Posts: 110
    The ability to dual class is in the game.

    Are you using a pre-made character, or a generated character? Also, do you have at least 17 in the primary stat of the class you want to dual class with?
  • ForseForse Member Posts: 106
    Err, I haven't downloaded the game yet, but I can't possibly believe they removed it. Look around, the button is in a different spot perhaps?
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Did they do that?

    I don't think they did.

    Maybe the button just moved.
  • RRTSReaperRRTSReaper Member Posts: 16
    edited November 2012
    The ability to dual-class is definitely still in the game, but is only available to human characters.

    EDIT: As it has always been
  • sanjavalensanjavalen Member Posts: 5
    I just leveled up Imoen to 2 and yes, she can duel class.
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    edited November 2012
    You can't dual-class until level 2.
    AlexM said:

    Also, do you have at least 17 in the primary stat of the class you want to dual class with?

    Also this.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    wariisop said:

    I don't like how they completely removed dual class, it really take away from having a unique character that is weak at the beginning and could potentially be powerful at the end.

    They haven't removed it
  • cyberarmycyberarmy Member Posts: 128
    Not sure if you are trolling, it is there... You need to be a human and level up at least once, as always.
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