Changing Quick Tiles
in BG:EE Mods
I used EE Keeper to change a character's class. Unfortunately I had a mage spell in his quick spell tile at the bottom of the screen. Now it's greyed out and I can't change it in-game. Does anyone know of a way to clear the quick spell so i can load a cleric spell in there? EE Keeper option maybe?
I've looked around on EE Keeper and can't find a place where it lets me change the actual tiles. Can you perhaps navigate me there or share a screenshot? Thanks!
Heres the screenschots for example. If there is any spell in those tabs remove it by clicking the remove spell button like in the screenshot. Be sure to only remove the mage spell though. Another thing you can do is to remove the memorisatio, select the spell you want to remove then click Mem - button on the bottom right corner beside Mem + button. This will allow you to have the spell in your book but not in quick spell or your character simply didnt memorized it yet.