Scripting FAQs (with answers) and Other Old Code

I have spent many tens of hours seeking out and compiling into a usable format various old code that was on various dead web sites (the wayback machine is your friend). This includes the two scripting FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions with answers). Yet still you will see people asking questions that were answered many years ago now. Why? My guess is that they are not aware of the existence of these resources. It couldn't be that they are too lazy to look could it? So working on the assumption that it is a lack of knowledge here are the links to the four download pages.
Scripting FAQs
Unearthed Gold
Yet More Gold
Final Gold
That last one was only finished and posted at the end of June this year. Between them, those three 'Gold' projects have something approaching 800 scripts in them. So between those and the FAQs there is a good chance that what you want to know has already been answered. Please give them a try.
Scripting FAQs
Unearthed Gold
Yet More Gold
Final Gold
That last one was only finished and posted at the end of June this year. Between them, those three 'Gold' projects have something approaching 800 scripts in them. So between those and the FAQs there is a good chance that what you want to know has already been answered. Please give them a try.
Post edited by TarotRedhand on