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Can't equip 2 one handed weapons

SojouSojou Member Posts: 3
edited November 2012 in Not An Issue
As a barbarian I can't equip 2 weapons - the game keeps telling me I have a 2 handed weapon equipped (which I do not). Kind of defeats the purpose of the class - did anyone test the barbarian? Is there a workaround?
Post edited by Dee on


  • MagisterMagister Member Posts: 22
    I have the same problem.
  • KenderkinKenderkin Member Posts: 1
    I have the same problem. I am playing an Elven Ranger, and when trying to equip a long sword and a dagger, it says the long sword is a two handed weapon, even though it is only a one handed weapon.
  • MagisterMagister Member Posts: 22
    Problem is gone for me after creating a secnond barbarian.
  • SojouSojou Member Posts: 3
    Magister said:

    Problem is gone for me after creating a secnond barbarian.

    I created a barbarian 3 times, each time I couldn't duel wield.

    Strange bug. Can you go through what you did after you started the game before equipping 2 weapons?
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    edited November 2012
    When you guys encounter this problem do you have a 2 handed weapon equipped in any of the other weapon slots?
    Post edited by Tanthalas on
  • MornmagorMornmagor Member Posts: 1,160
    edited November 2012
    What happens is the following :

    If you have weapons in the other weapon slots, they affect what you can equip.

    So, if you have a 2h weapon in a weapon slot, your off-hand slot is barred.

    Same for off-hand weapon in use and trying to equip a 2h.

    I don't think it's a bug. It's working as intended.
  • SojouSojou Member Posts: 3
    edited November 2012
    Mornmagor said:

    What happens is the following :

    If you have weapons in the other weapon slots, they affect what you can equip.

    So, if you have a 2h weapon in a weapon slot, your off-hand slot is barred.

    Same for off-hand weapon in use and trying to equip a 2h.

    I don't think it's a bug. It's working as intended.

    Nope. The staff was unequipped and on the ground. It's a bug. I can't duel wield on a barbarian but I can on a fighter.
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    Can you upload a save file with a Barbarian with this problem?
  • sunset00sunset00 Member Posts: 310
    I have a similar problem, but not exactly the same.. and tested with a bard blade / swashbuckler and/or mage/fighter ( 2 handlers too) ;
    can dual wield 2x any 1h weapons (apparently ok with those classes at least), BUT..
    CAN'T whenever i have a throwing weapon in a quick slot (usually 2 quick slot only already with those classes..) ; when that is a bow (2h), i can understand i can't switch that easily to dual wield (or simply keep an unused off hand weapon at the same time, like with a buckler), but when that is darts/sling/throwing knives (1h) in the 2nd slot, i don't get it either.. VERY irritating; should be able to always wear the off hand weapon, if using (only) 1h throwing weapons in other quick slots..and eventually to simply switch for close combat, with the 1h combat weapons quick slots (auto combining with the off hand then)....
    right now, everytime i wear ANY throwing weapon (2h or 1h) in a quick slot, impossible to put an off hand weapon (ready) for the close combats..must go in inventory, remove the throwing weapon from the quick slot, put then and only then the off hand weapon only in the off hand slot... for every combats = killing..
    I can use with no problem darts/sling/throwing knives (1h) with a buckler though... just not with the 2nd weapon instead of the buckler (why i think that's a bug too).

    I don't remember that problem when i played to BG2 with a dual handler..years ago. -?!

  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738

    I know its a pain, but that's a limit of the BG2 GUI.
  • sunset00sunset00 Member Posts: 310
    Tanthalas said:

    I know its a pain, but that's a limit of the BG2 GUI.

    K, thx for the quick answer :

    pity could not be fixed.. because that + not sure at all i can get a low level version of that special 'elven armor' from BG2 (spells allowed for casters at same time, no need to remove it..), not sure a playthrough with a new low level bard blade (for exemple - any dual + spells build), from start, will be very enjoyable now - real pain in the ... if constant inventory switches needed and for distance weapons + dual-wields, and for spells (with armor switch - normal that one though..till the elven-like special armors)!.. *))
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    @Tanthalas I would say this can be moved to Not an issue
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    Take of the ranged weapon (bow, crossbow, throwing axe and throwing dagger) from your quick slot, that will solve the problem. It's not a bug.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    @ajwz Done.

    To Sum Up:
    If you have a ranged weapon or a two-handed weapon in one of your other quick slots, even if it's not currently equipped, you can't equip a weapon in your off-hand. This is a limitation of the current GUI, not a bug; the current prominent "fix" request is to implement alternate weapon/shield combinations (as per Icewind Dale), which would allow you to equip a two-handed weapon, a one-handed weapon and a shield, two one-handed weapons, and a ranged weapon (for example).

    If people are experiencing an inability to equip two weapons and they are not using a ranged or two-handed weapon in an (unselected) quick slot, call me ( @Aosaw ) and I'll move this thread back to open it up.

  • sunset00sunset00 Member Posts: 310
    ok, i tested with a quick barbarian and a quick ranger/stalker(seems to be a nice new possible build too, that one!), seems to be the same; 2x1h dual ok..but only with no distance (1h/2h) / 2h weapons in another left quick slot at the same time. ok. */
  • BigityBigity Member Posts: 98
    Yea I wish this could have been fixed as well, but it's probably stuck down in the engine somewhere. At least you can pause and manually switch weapons.
  • majinsnakemajinsnake Member Posts: 113
    I could equip two 1-handed weapons just fine. Perhaps you are doing it wrong.

    Yes, I am a barbarian.
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