Recommend me a Spell Casting Class

I love powerful spellcasters. I like casting improved alacrity, time stop, summon planetar etc in Baldur's gate. I want to level a char in OC and mods beyond. Which class can give me the satisfaction of a powerful spellcaster most? Also do you recommend the prestige classes mod?
Do you like having premade set of spells always ready so you don't have to set it up? -> Sorcerer
Those 2 are only ones with timestop
A Wizard gets to swap out spells whenever they want but to get a diverse spellbook you'll get 2 new spells per LVL Up and whatever scrolls you find or buy, also Wizards get 1 extra Feat at 5, 10, 15, 20 and so on.
Bare in mind a Wizard can choose Thier Specialisation which gives 1 extra spell per spell lvl (9 extra spells per day) but obviously lose access to 1 school.
I play as Wizard Necromancer (lose Divination) taking feats Spell Focus in the Schools I prefer, most choose Evocation
(I prefer Conjuration than Necromancy).
The Palemaster Prestige Class doesn't work properly, you get everything as described but you WILL NOT increase caster LVL e.g 5th LVL Wizard takes
10 LVLs of Palemaster and all spells are still casted at 5th LVL but should be 10.
In this game Haste effect improves casting speed.
The 6th LVL spell Greater Magic Missile Storm is total OP.
4th LVL spell Ice Storm doesn't have a LVL cap so it keeps getting better as you do also it doesn't allow for Saving Throw but can be Spell Resisted.
When it comes to Dispel Magic I prefer 4th LVL Lesser Spell Breach & 6th Greater Spell Breach.
Also the Harper Scout is crap, the Harper Agent in NWN2 lets you keep progressing in magic and is good for skillful Wizards.
Oh and the Purple Dragon Knight description mentions War Wizards, is that a class in 3.0e Cormyr or was it never implemented?