Halfling monk advice?

For some reason, I have an urge to play a halfling monk, and I'm having trouble deciding on how to go about it.
Pure monk? Nice spell resistance. Simplest. Glowing eyes. Is quivering palm any good?
Monk/Rogue? Convenient, can take care of locks and traps. Sneak attack can help with low strength/damage.
Monk/Fighter/CoT? Two weapon fighting, Power Attack to offset low strength/damage. Kukri, maybe?
I think the idea of short little guy wearing clothes that kick a dragon butt is pretty cool. Dem golems though...
Does bracer of armor stack with monk robe?
Pure monk? Nice spell resistance. Simplest. Glowing eyes. Is quivering palm any good?
Monk/Rogue? Convenient, can take care of locks and traps. Sneak attack can help with low strength/damage.
Monk/Fighter/CoT? Two weapon fighting, Power Attack to offset low strength/damage. Kukri, maybe?
I think the idea of short little guy wearing clothes that kick a dragon butt is pretty cool. Dem golems though...
Does bracer of armor stack with monk robe?
Quivering Palm only gets one use per day but if it works well they die, Stunning Fist can get many uses per day.
I think the Armor Bracers and Robes fall under the same AC type and only the highest counts, so maybe Monk Gloves or Dexterity Bracers.
I love the idea of a Tiny Man or Women punching Dragons and Demons.
My personal preference is 4 Monk/ 16 Druid than buff up and shapeshift into a Bear...I love it, all the buffs and Monk abilities still apply and Wisdom bonus still works while shifted and finally the Druid gets a spell called Owl's Insight (not to be confused with Owl's Wisdom) that doubles current base Wisdom score.
Is HiPS worth the loss of an AB? If I play the monk/rogue, it will be tempting for sure.
Ooo, I never knew about owl insight. How cool!
There would be a lot of xp penalty, though. Next time I make a human, I'll have to try that one.
Thanks for the reply!
Sorry I got that wrong the spell gives Half wisdom score again, 50% increase.
What's HiPS?
A Finesse Monk/Rogue should work pretty well, Hands or Blades?
I can't bring myself to use weapons as a Monk... punching Demons is so much fun but in this case the more Rogue Lvls you take the less advanced your Fists damage will be, just did a quick search and Monks get Thier +1 Ki Strike magic fists at 10th LVL and tops at +3 at 16th LVL so I'm assuming you'll wanna take more than 4 Lvls of Rogue so maybe use Kama weapons to retain the use of Flurry of Blows.
If you go up to 9th LVL Monk you get Improved Evasion, Knockdown & Improved Knockdown, Cleave, Monk Speed, Still Mind and Deflect Arrows (it says Deflect Arrows only work with at least one hand empty).
But how to deal with golems? Golems have already snuffed out two of my sorcerer playthroughs.