Graphic remake questions for BeamDog

Since July's new's post is planned to answer questions about state of the graphical update (if I'm not mistaken) I want to throw few of the questions of my own to be answered. Others are welcome to join their questions as well.
These are questions I have been curious about for some time.
- Is there FPS hit? - I remember on streams it was said that new pipeline will actually improve performance, but I would like to ask the current state.
- How are locations loading times? - I believe some hit will be inevitable, but is that bad or is it acceptable? Perhaps each location could preload all locations linked to the location on the client side is my idea how to reduce it.
- Will there be possibility to place tiles from different tilesets within single map? - In NWN2 I could simply create area, then I would simply select tiles (one tile from this tileset, another from that tileset etc.) This would allow fluent transitions (i.e. cave transitioning into sewers etc.) Also this could reduce amount of locations created only for purpose that you want 1 room with different tiles.
- Spell/Feat/Item Indicators? Will they be added as part of it/will there be possibility for us to make them? - This one is simple to explain. I just want to be able to cast fireballs without killing my party members just because I didn't guess the range correctly.
- Will there be possibility for dynamic control of the tiles/for placeables to walk on? - Making walkable draw bridge, falling traps, dungeons where you need to solve a puzzle for passable tile to appear etc. We can make doors open up similar way now, but it would be something fresh.
- Will there be included some change how projectiles are handled? - Currently if cast delayed fireball for example and target runs behind walls, spell will either not cast at all (if i'm not wrong here) or it will fire and fly through the walls as if they weren't there. This is true for all projectiles. I would like some collision check so if wall, placeable (with some collisions check checked, so its not all of them) stands in the way projectile will "crash" into in.
- GUI, will there be anything changed? - Quite frankly while I don't believe that GUI aged that well. I had a lot of time focusing on text in conversation, not necessarily because of high resolution. Will there be "Cutscene conversation" like in nwn2 or something similar? I would also be able to change influence individual GUI parts. (adding/hiding some information from character sheets, adding own components (mana bar comes to mind when I'm writing this))
These are questions I have been curious about for some time.