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BG:EE v1.3 Quick Loot Hotkey Solution

I made this for my own use, but I thought I might as well share it with anyone else who might still play v1.3 and needs a Quick Loot hotkey solution.

1. Download and install AutoHotkey
2. Create a text file anywhere on your computer with any file name, and change its extension to .ahk
3. Edit the ahk file and paste this script into it:
#if WinActive("Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition") or WinActive("Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition")
MouseGetPos, xpos, ypos
WinGetPos, , , xtarget, ytarget
ytarget -= 30
xtarget *= 0.5
if (init != 1) {
	xtarget -= 360
	init = 1
} else {
	xtarget -= 350
	init = 0
MouseClick, left, xtarget, ytarget, , 0
MouseMove, xpos, ypos, 0

4. Save and exit
5. Run the ahk file to start the script—a little green "H" icon should appear on your taskbar
6. Start BG:EE v1.3 or BG2:EE v1.3 and load up a game
7. Use the E key to open or close the quick loot bar

I use the E key, but you can change it to anything you want by editing the second line. If you have the Scale UI option enabled, you might also need to adjust the xtarget and ytarget values to match the position of the quick loot button.

The reason the script alternates between two different xtarget values is that v1.3 has a bug that makes the quick loot button not respond to repeated clicks when they come from the same mouse position.


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