ffmpeg help: proper command line to create movie from upscaled pictures

Hello everyone,
I'm having a bit of an issue on the best cmd to encode a new VP9 (webm) movie made with upscaled frames, one by one (AI-enhanced). Movie is from 2001, so quite old-ish and definitely not HD or 4K. I know libvpx is supported by the EE but I was wondering how to optimize my current batch.
The current cmd I use is
How can I improve from this? I've read about 2-pass conversion but I found that a bit confusing.
Also, if you want to recommend noise/blur (as for now I'm just upscaling without adjustments) settings that would be appreciated.
I'm having a bit of an issue on the best cmd to encode a new VP9 (webm) movie made with upscaled frames, one by one (AI-enhanced). Movie is from 2001, so quite old-ish and definitely not HD or 4K. I know libvpx is supported by the EE but I was wondering how to optimize my current batch.
The current cmd I use is
ffmpeg -r 30 -f image2 -s 1024x544 -i example%04d.png -i fmv0031.ogg -vcodec libvpx-vp9 -crf 15 -b:v 0 -pix_fmt yuv420p -acodec copy fmv0031.webm
How can I improve from this? I've read about 2-pass conversion but I found that a bit confusing.
Also, if you want to recommend noise/blur (as for now I'm just upscaling without adjustments) settings that would be appreciated.