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Jaheira Romance and Fighter Stronghold Quests not Advancing in Chapter 6

MythdraconMythdracon Member Posts: 187
edited July 2019 in Troubleshooting
Jaheira's romance has yet to get to the ambush, but the romance is active (status 1). Bohdi did not kidnap her because we were not considered "in love" as such at that point I guess.

Most annoyingly, no matter how many weeks pass, the fighter stronghold quests do not advance. Before sailing for Spellhold I completed the priest of Tempus quest.

Save attached. Please help my monk get on his way, as the final area of the game awaits.
Post edited by Mythdracon on


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,929
    For the keep quests, it appears that the runner to inform you of Lord Roenall's demands didn't spawn correctly, or you missed him somewhere. To spawn the runner and progress that, the following command on the in-game console works:
    C: CreateCreature("KPRUNNER")
    Then, you'll have to talk to him - he won't initiate the conversation.

    It will, of course, take a lot of in-game time to get through all of the keep events.

    Tested after loading the save.
  • MythdraconMythdracon Member Posts: 187
    Thanks. What about for the Jaheira romance? How do I spawn the kidnapper? And is the romance stage correctly prior to that scene, or no?
  • MythdraconMythdracon Member Posts: 187
    If I can't fix it by spawning the kidnappers, how do I fix it? What chat should I be resetting the romance to? And what code would I need to reset the romance chat number?

    This is so annoying. Should I just go to the end without finishing the romance? Really takes away from the atmosphere when I have to fight against the game to get its own *bloody* systems to work. *grumble*
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,010
    for the jaheira romance, sometimes events dont pop up just from timers, sometimes you have to be in certain areas or have to start certain conditions for them to start

    for jaheira i know that you have to be in a wilderness area and rest for the bandit dudes to come in and hold jaheira hostage

    this is also a turning point in the romance, if you dont switch spots with jaheira then your romance is over ( this will happen by default if you have low charisma )

    and even though she will be made that you took her place and took some damage the romance will continue on
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,929
    This case isn't that simple. The save is already in a wilderness area; if you rest there, no bandit hostage-takers spawn.

    I haven't spoken up on this one, because I don't actually know what the right fix is.

    One thought - there's a global variable named JAHEIRABANDITPLOT. It's set to 2 in your save. In the one save of mine I can find that has gone through that event, it's 9. So, what does changing that do?
    Remove it? Nothing happens. No bandit event.
    Set it to 0? Still nothing.
    Set it to 9? Meronia shows up to progress Jaheira's questline.

    So, there's a way to skip past the bandit event and move on with the romance.
  • MythdraconMythdracon Member Posts: 187
    Thanks for the input, guys, on this unique(ly annoying) situation. I think if the bandits aren't spawning correctly I'm ok with just using a code to skip the bandit event...what code do I need to input?
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,929
    edited July 2019
    I used EEKeeper to change that variable. In the in-game console, it would be
    C: SetGlobal("JaheiraBanditPlot","GLOBAL",9)
    Meronia should show up right away, as long as you're outside. If you're indoors, she'll show up the next time you go outside.
  • MythdraconMythdracon Member Posts: 187

    I guess no code could generate the bandits though right? I only played through the bandits once (on my second playthrough eons ago). A shame it seems I won't be able to revisit it.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,929
    There might be a way, but if there is I don't know it. Really, it's mostly guesswork for me on this one; I saw something that looked related, and tried things until I got a useful result.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,010
    well now that Meronia showed up, your romance can continue as normal, if you are lucky you can use the console to skip "in game time" forgot which command that was...

    ah, found it


    i believe the above code skips 30 minutes ( or is it one hour? ) of ingame time, so you can spam this, to get love talks to continue on, and if some love talks arent continuing then you might need to rest or hopefully get that bandit encounter eventually
  • MythdraconMythdracon Member Posts: 187
    edited July 2019
    Darn, if there isn't a fix then I guess it's just one of many new bugs in the BGII: EE then. I've noticed pathing issues (enemies following/crowding doorways and getting stuck in a dance there, etc), messenger spawn issues, and other things like that.

    Sarevok, thanks for the code! I used it to get through the Harper Hold stuff...but now there's a new bug. After the "new dawn" conversation, I rest outside, and yet Dermin doesn't appear. This has happened multiple times, to the point where I actually got Jaheira to say the "new dawn" stuff a second time. And once again, Dermin doesn't appear. This bugginess is beyond me. I never had these issues with the original.

    Save is attached. Can someone help? I suppose it would have to be someone other than Beamdog given how little I see them here, and given how little interest they may have in another BGII: Enhanced Edition patch to correct these annoying, atmosphere-destroying bugs.
    Post edited by Mythdracon on
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,929
    That bit of code is the alternative to doing something else for half an hour while the game runs in the background between love talks - there are a number of those real-time waits later on in the romance. Advancing real time is completely irrelevant to the bandit issue.
  • MythdraconMythdracon Member Posts: 187
    Yes, but if we bypass the bandit attack by setting it to variable 9, then do the later Harper Hold quests, as I have done, and chat with Dermin--and we get to Jaheira talking about the new dawn, then the next event is meant to be Dermin coming with an armed party right? How do I trigger that?

    (This Enhanced Edition seems to have "enhanced" the game by adding bugs, rather than removing them.)
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,010

    i have finally succeeded oi, that was a pain, but your romance can be saved!

    so here is what you need to do:

    first you HAVE to have the cheat console enabled ( if you didnt have it already )

    and copy paste these lines in:


    once you have those bad boys in, rest in the current area ( your save file is at the underdark exit, this area works )

    if done correctly, dermin and his posse should appear and everything should continue as normal

    plus your messenger for your keep appears as well, so make sure to talk to him after the battle

    once your battle/dialogue with jaheira is done, go do your keep stuff

    then go to waukeen's promenade and start using:


    you might have to use 2-4 of these to get jaheira's romance rollin'

    some of the "love talks" also require you to rest for them to continue

    so if you use advance real time 5 or more times and nothing is happening, then successfully rest and it should continue on

    i did this and i got all the way to the final love talk, and buddy buddy showed up to give jaheira her harper pin

    once you have the pin, and once you get jiggy with jaheira the romance is complete and everything should be back to normal
  • MythdraconMythdracon Member Posts: 187
    edited July 2019
    Thanks so very much, sir! I tip my wizardly hat to thee! I got "the old man" to appear after following your helpful instructions (of course, I don't think CLUAConsole is the right code for the Enhanced Edition, so I used "C:AdvanceRealTime(30000)" instead. So, after the sleeping and the "GOOD MORNING" and the old man, that's it for the Jaheira romance for Shadows of Amn at least?
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,010
    that would be it, if you have the harper pin, and i believe the last love talk is 71, that is it for SoA :)
  • MythdraconMythdracon Member Posts: 187
    Thanks! Got the pin. :)

    (Still a shame we had to use code to get around the Enhanced Edition bugs, though--you would think by now the patches would have fixed things like this.)
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