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Weapon selection help! Cleric 28/RDD 10/Bard 2

haven't played in YEARS. I've picked my build, now I just need to decide on what weapon type to go through with this character.

I'll be going all the way through the expansions (HOTU is my fav).

What do you guys think? What weapon type has the best options?


  • EnialusMeliamneEnialusMeliamne Member Posts: 399
    edited July 2019
    Since your strength will be ludicrously high, pick something with an 18-20 crit range. Scimitar would fit nicely, though I have ZERO knowledge on what weapon drops are like in HOTU.
  • MeandreMeandre Member Posts: 38
    Is there a reason you want to restrict yourself to a weapon type?
    It's great for builds with levels in Weapon Master or fighter (and the weapon customization options in HoTU), but with the Red Dragon Disciple's high strength score you can beat the campaigns with anything (2-handed) you can find along the way. Easily.

    Personally, I find the flexibility that comes from not specializing on a single weapon type to make the campaigns much more enjoyable. Less of those "Oh, I found a nice weapon! I just wish I'd be a longsword..."-moments. :D

    That said, there's some fine options available for all weapons throughout the campaigns. And you can never go wrong with greatswords. ;)
  • SillyfishSillyfish Member Posts: 17
    The build uses WF, Improved Crit, Overwhelming Crit, Devastating Crit and EWF, so I'd really like to focus on just one type of weapon. The build guide came with a shield was was using Bastard Swords, but meh, I don't really like them.

    I know in BG1 and 2 and the Icewind Dale series there are specific weapons to build for. Crom Feyr, the Katana in BG2, etc. Are there examples like that in NWN?> I honestly can't remember.

    Are there not specific weapons that are just cool?
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    first of all, unless you are using some sort of mods, you arent going to hit level 40 if you play the OC then import to SoU then import to HotU ( i do this all the time and i usually struggle to hit level 29 ) so just some hind sight there

    for the BEST weapon types you have 2 choices; hammer of thunderbolts for single handed or scythe for two handed

    hammer of thunderbolts is an AMAZING single handed weapon, mostly because of that stun, and you would be amazed who can get hit by it, even with that DC 14, one problem though, you have to be level.... 17 or 18 before it starts popping up ( i want to say its level 17 ) and if you want to guarantee picking it up once you hit the right level you can get it here:

    after you fight maugrim for the fourth word of power, it will have a chance to be in a chest behind him, save your game, and keep reloading until the hammer of thunderbolts appears

    sometimes if you are lucky you will find it else where ( the last play through i had i found 3 of them altogether, but then i had play throughs where the maugrim chest was the only one )

    also note, you will need weapon proficiency martial weapons to be able to use that hammer

    and then scythe for two handed is awesome because of that x4 critical, you will need exotic weapon proficiency to get it, but im assuming you are going to be a human so you should have enough feats to build up to it ( you might need martial weapon proficiency as well, but not 100% sure )

    now the best scythe in the game is found in chapter 2 of HotU and can be found here:

    there is a quest in the drow city for you to take out one of the matron mothers ( given to you by her daughter ) accept the quest to take her out, and after you finish said quest she will give you 10000 gold i believe, tell her that you want more and if you succeed on the persuasion? check ( not 100% sure if need to make a check here ) she will give you the scythe that the matrons guard was using and it has a beautiful massive criticals of 1d8 on it, and then upgrade that from the drow dude at the forge and start turning your enemies into shish-ka-bob ( or however that is spelled )
  • BalkothBalkoth Member Posts: 161
    sarevok57 wrote: »
    for the BEST weapon types you have 2 choices; hammer of thunderbolts for single handed or scythe for two handed

    I'm sorry, but this is just nonsense.

    Weapons will depend entirely on what is available in a module. And if you're playing HotU then you can take any weapon you want and turn it into a +10 keen/acidic/true seeing/haste/regen weapon.
    Sillyfish wrote: »
    The build uses WF, Improved Crit, Overwhelming Crit, Devastating Crit and EWF, so I'd really like to focus on just one type of weapon. The build guide came with a shield was was using Bastard Swords, but meh, I don't really like them.

    If you're building for Dev Crit then you want something with an 18-20 threat range (15% base chance) to crit as often as possible. That means Kukri, Scimitar, or Rapier.

    If you don't want one of those then go for a 19-20 threat range weapon like a Katana, Bastard Sword, Longsword, Greatsword, or Short Sword.
    Sillyfish wrote: »
    Are there not specific weapons that are just cool?

    Not that are remotely guaranteed or worth building around in the OC or SoU.

    In HotU you can take a non-magical weapon and turn it into an uber +10 enhancement/2d6 elemental (acid is suggested, least resisted)/haste/true seeing/regen/keen weapon (note that the game arbitrarily caps you at 8 properties on a weapon so make sure you get the weapon to +10 before adding on the last few properties you want).

    Outside of that it'll depend on the module or persistent world whether there's special weapons. However, most modules/worlds will try to have something good of every weapon type so as not to screw over people focused on the "wrong" weapon.
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