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Thank you Beamdog People.

Hiya to all the people who worked their asses off on this re-release of my favourite game.

I know you're gonna be copping a whole load of crap from frustrated and angry people this week...but I just really wanted to express my heartfelt thanks. I've managed to grab a couple of hours gameplay before i go to work tonight and goddamn, I've gotta say that i'm impressed. This is far better than i actually anticipated. Despite the fact i know the story almost better than my own life, it felt new and exciting to me wandering around Candlekeep, getting out of there and experiencing the wider world...Just those little tweaks you've put in are much appreciated, the gameplay so far has been flawless and i'm looking forward to many more long hours of Baldur's Gate to come.

So yeah, for me, your efforts have been well worth it.

Thank you for your time, your efforts, and your passion. I hope this enables all of you guys to work on future projects together and lets you do whatever you really want to do in gaming.

Congrats, and i'll definitely be investing in any future games you guys do.



  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645

    Congrats, and i'll definitely be investing in any future games you guys do.

    Me too, I'd buy it again if I had a capable mobile device to play it on.
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    I too am very happy with BG:EE. Can't quite say I was happy about the 2,5 months of extra sudden wait, or the game not releasing until late evening on the release date and then needing a patch download... but those are very petty gripes compared to the fact I get to replay Baldur's Gate again, with shiny improvements. Thank you Overhaul/Beamdog :)
  • kazrobkazrob Member Posts: 18
    I'm glad you guys are happy. I had a multi-email exchange with Nathan Willis today, who honestly I had no idea who he was till I got an email from him today. After that exchange (which I thought was odd that he had nothing better to do when everything was melting down including the forum being shut down)) I won't be buying another from them. It's like the guy was totally out in left field.
  • darthchairdarthchair Member Posts: 191
    Thanks for the release! I'd give you all hugs, but you've probably been working so hard you haven't showered in weeks. So I'll just give kudos instead. :)
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    kazrob said:

    I'm glad you guys are happy. I had a multi-email exchange with Nathan Willis today, who honestly I had no idea who he was till I got an email from him today. After that exchange (which I thought was odd that he had nothing better to do when everything was melting down including the forum being shut down)) I won't be buying another from them. It's like the guy was totally out in left field.

    lol, i talked to nate before (the guy the with picture/icon of a metroid with a top hat and cane, right?) and he's not a tech, he's not a programmer, he's PR. He's there to help people having problems, and try to make them happy. NOT SOMEONE YOU WANT TOUCHING THE SERVERS.

    I know not everyone is happy with the way the game released, but i am. it means the game sold well in the preorder stage. i just hope it keeps selling at a great pace and we get mroe of these wonderful games from beamdog/overhaul.

    and i mean no disrespect to nathan, but as i said, i've talked to him before, when i was trying to get my preorder badge. Great guy, important part of the team, but he was doing his job, instead of trying to do someone else's job. I respect that.
  • DebaserDebaser Member Posts: 669
    I'm mostly on track to just enjoying this. and I have to agree this has been incredibly fun so far. I literally couldn't force myself to look at another game until this came these past three months. You guys are aces and I will be buying future products.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Nathan's also their sound editor. You can hear his work when the voice-overs for the player voice sets and the new NPCs don't sound completely different from the rest of the game (like they did before he started his work). The man's a wizard with sound, and I now owe him several beers and cheeseburgers.

    That said, when the servers overheat, there's only so many people that are able to do something about it at once. More bodies in the server room doesn't do anything except keep the temperature at an unmanageable level.
  • CodifierCodifier Member Posts: 4
    BG:EE is everything I hoped it would be. Thanks to Beamdog/Overhaul for making this available and I hope BG2:EE isn't far behind. Let's cross our fingers that everything goes well for these guys and gals so they can keep bringing us our favorite stuff into modern day.
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