Issues with Mass Heal, Curse Song and Healing Kits
Wondering if anyone has encountered this issue:
One of my players on my PW brought it to me attention that Curse Song, Mass Heal and some times Healing Kits tend to "miss".
Has anyone encountered this?
Trying to figure out if this is an EE issue or a server issue.
Video below with Curse Song example
Thanks in advance,
- Drake
Wondering if anyone has encountered this issue:
One of my players on my PW brought it to me attention that Curse Song, Mass Heal and some times Healing Kits tend to "miss".
Has anyone encountered this?
Trying to figure out if this is an EE issue or a server issue.
Video below with Curse Song example
Thanks in advance,
- Drake
link to previous report:
Bug #37648 at internal bug tracker
Didn't catch this until now (Wow) - Has any progress been made? And what community patch?