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Is this how it's supposed to be with Archers?

FranticFeyFranticFey Member Posts: 31
So I'm not sure if this is a bug or if I just haven't played BG in a long time, but help me out: I tried to create an Archer just now in BGEE, but I cannot put more than two slots in Long Bow, Short Bow, Crossbow, Darts, or Slings, and I cannot put more than one slot in any melee weapon. I thought that Archers were only limited by a two-slot maximum in melee? From what I remember from Tutu, I could have four slots in a ranged weapon with an Archer at level 1.


  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    I believe you can only put up to 2 slots on creation. This goes for any class.
  • butsambutsam Member Posts: 46
    You'll be able to put in more later. I'm being an archer also right is my first time, but you'll get more!

    Keep in mind also that Rangers are fighter-like, so they can benefit from >16 CON, and get a 18/XX strength bonus as well.

    2 slots in Long Bow (or your other favorite missile weapon) is plenty, Level 1 Archer has 5/2 attacks per round and is dealing significant damage...more than any other single character in my party that has not yet leveled up.
  • NukeninNukenin Member Posts: 327
    If memory serves, BG1 would only allow a maximum of two proficiency points in any one proficiency at level 1, regardless of the class's maximum allowed proficiency. Any further points (for fighters and others capable of progressing beyond two points in a given proficiency) would have to be spent when earned at later levels.

    The BG2 engine allowed one to spend more than two points in a proficiency at level 1 (if the class permitted it).

    It seems as if the BG:EE devs decided to fall back to the BG1 rule here.

    Your Archer should be able to spend a third proficiency point (and beyond) when more points are earned at higher levels.
  • BugratBugrat Member Posts: 118
    edited November 2012
    edit: nevermind
  • FranticFeyFranticFey Member Posts: 31
    Oh, gotcha, I guess Tutu was just spoiling me, then. Thanks so much!
  • hzfhzf Member Posts: 70
    Then is it impossible to get grandmaster in any weapon? Figthers max out at level 8. Assuming you put 2 points in at level 1, you can add one more each at levels 3 and 6, for a total of 4 points.

    What about dial class? Can you dual class into fighter and immediately put more than 2 points in?
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