Editing BG:EE baludur.ini file

Evening all, so searched the forums for the "how to" on enabling CLUAConsole in BG:EE, and was led to adding the line "'Program Options', 'Debug Mode', '1'," in the the file. I have done so and saved the file. (then out of curiosity i closed and opened to double check that i had actually done it right a bit of OCD i guess, all was still well) I then launched the game in Windows XP compatibility mode as my system administrator (because the game instantly crashes if I try to run it any other way, welcome to the world of improvements ushered in with Windows 8...) when I started a new game I was unable to bring up the command bar to enter the cheats to remove the fog of war etc... I closed the game and opened back up my .ini file only to find that my prior additions had been removed. Anyone run into a similar problem? Anyone have advice or know of a prior discussion that covers this topic?
Console opens with CTRL + M
CLUAConsole:ExploreArea() [worked]
CTRL Teleporting [worked]
CTRL-6/7 [worked]
CLUAConsole:AddGold("100") [nothing]
CLUAConsole:CreateItem("dagg01",1) or CLUAConsole:CreateItem("dagg01") [nothing]
If the game overwrites your changes, you may try to make that ini file read only.
Try running baldur.exe directly from the \Data folder
Then, reopen the file to see if your changes are still there, to double check, before you try to go start the game.
@belgarathmth I will try that, I noticed when attempting to change it to "read-only" that the file type was listed as a ".ini" but i will add the suffix and let you know, thanks!
The INI file for me was located in documents. If your on windows 7 hit the start button and just above pictures and music there should be something you can click on that says documents. In your documents for there should be a folder that says Baldurs Gate - Enhanced Edition. The ini file is in that folder.
first off, my baldur.ini file was surprisingly empty, I never had a section of game options or program options. I think this was because I never went into the game and edited my preferences (like for auto-pausing, feedback options, group infravision, rest until healed, etc...) after I made my first changes, those items populated my baldur.ini file under the appropriate game or program option.
second I went into the properties of my baldur.ini file, initially to give the "read-only" change one more try. this time I went to the "security" tab of the properties window, and changed my system's permissions on that file to deny my system the ability to edit the file.
which ever of those it was did the trick because I can now ctrl + j my way around when my party lags behind my speedy monk-man! good luck all thanks for the suggestions