Development Build 8189
1st Question (not from the new patch): Has the Skills.2da been fixed yet so we can add padding in between BD's existing skills and any skills added by CC people? I remember it being a PITA when Bioware added the Crafting skills, then the Ride skill and having to reshift my own skills because because all of the padded skill numbers would show in the character skill tab as bad strref.
Please tell me this is fixed or being looked into!
Sorry for the non-patch Q, this I'm curious about from the patch notes:
Can functionality be set to NONE as well?
Is it possible to get a rule added for MULTIPLE_ATTACKS_BY_LEVEL so we can set the MULTIPLE_ATTACKS_BAB_PENALTY_MULTIPLIER to 0, and still have them occur at the specified levels?
Lastly can we get an added column to the CLASSES.2DA for Multiple_Attacks with a 0/1 (no/yes) switch to preclude some classes from getting multiple attacks at all?
Please tell me this is fixed or being looked into!
Sorry for the non-patch Q, this I'm curious about from the patch notes:
New column in racialtypes.2da: SkillPointModifierAbility. This column determines the ability which will provide additional skill points on level up. Can be blank. (INT by default, obviously).
Can functionality be set to NONE as well?
New should-really-be-self-explanatory ruleset.2da constants: MULTIPLE_ATTACKS_BAB_PENALTY_MULTIPLIER_MONK
Is it possible to get a rule added for MULTIPLE_ATTACKS_BY_LEVEL so we can set the MULTIPLE_ATTACKS_BAB_PENALTY_MULTIPLIER to 0, and still have them occur at the specified levels?
Lastly can we get an added column to the CLASSES.2DA for Multiple_Attacks with a 0/1 (no/yes) switch to preclude some classes from getting multiple attacks at all?
It would be great to be able to determine attks per round based on BAB more freely (as opposed to every 5 lvls for normal and every 3 lvls for monk). Thank you!