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Display and Skipping Horrible Intro


Is it possible to have the game in 640x480 resolution? Set the properties but it doesn't change and the character is just way to small in the default.

And, is it possible to skip the horrible intro? Definitely a downgrade from the original BG. Escape and space bar doesn't spare me the agony.




  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Left-click the screen; it should skip just fine.

    And if you zoom in (assuming your mouse has a wheel), things will be closer to the "camera". Or are you talking about the font size?
  • nemiafalanemiafala Member Posts: 18
    edited November 2012
    I'm not sure how to change the resolution, but zooming in with the mouse wheel might help.
    As for skipping the intro, try left clicking.
  • CrossfellCrossfell Member Posts: 3
    Thanks to both of you! Was thinking back to how the original game worked and not how our technology has changed!
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