The Ghoul Lord drops a ring with Remove Curse, which you need to use on the Crystal Ball, which you're supposed to infer from the fact that it says that its cursed when you click on it. It took me a bit to realize that's what it wanted myself, as I pretty much delegated the ring to "cool loot" status when I picked it up.
For me, the Ghoul Lord was standing right in front of the Crystal Ball, which is why I assumed you'd have known about and presumably killed him. Admittedly I haven't finished the module yet, so perhaps there's more than one crystal ball in a cave; am I incorrect in assuming you're in "The Deep Caverns" at the end of the crypts under the Chapel of the All Father?
I almost freaked out when I saw a thread about a module I made. Funny how a lot of people get stuck on that last part of the first dungeon all the time and here I was when I came up with it thinking, "This is too obvious, it'll not fool anyone." Little did I know
That's definitely a bug in either your version of the module or in the game itself, then. At least in the version of the module I have downloaded, the Ghoul Lord has the ring in his inventory and is set to droppable, so it should have showed up when he died. In this case, you're probably going to have to use the console to cheat it in. Blueprint resref is ce_item022.
If you or others need the commands or have never used the console before, you can open the console with `. You then need to type into it "DebugMode 1" and then "dm_spawnitem ce_item022", the latter of which will spawn the ring at where your cursor is pointing to on the ground. After you do this, type "DebugMode 0" into the console.
The ring in question is named "Copper Serpent Ring", if the Ghoul Lord did not drop it, which all things being equal it should have then you'll have to use the console commands as Derpcity suggested. Keep in mind the Ghoul Lord does not despawn when you kill it as it leaves a lootable corpse.
Head back outside, a familiar character should be out there with something to tell you They should have been standing somewhere between the barracks and the Inn.
Ahh, darn, one of those "right under the nose" things, but if I don't know what to do, there must be a bug: there was no mad mage to fight and it seems the portal takes me back out.
Am I to walk back to the captain or where is the man who gave me the map?
If you have collected the cloak then you have completed that main quest chain so yes. Head back to the Captain. I had already thought you did that as you did say you completed all 4 main quests and was talking about being told to go to the Inn. But then you talk about a green crystal which is in the same dungeon where you collect the cloak which suggested that you hadn't completed at least that quest chain. The story does not progress until you have ALL FOUR main quests done. And using the previous found item to destroy the crystal is not a bug, it works as intended.
Finished: I am now in the volcanic mine, but where is the key to open the first door?
And BTW, I hope part 1 gets a minor update. It would have been nice to have the henchmen say a goodbye, like, "This is where it ends; we cannot go on with you. Our land and homes are here."
I used both halflings, the sorceress and rogue. It was just sad just to see them dumped when entering the snowy area.
It was meant to be unexpected so you wouldn't have time to say anything and be left adrift alone. The floaty text that appears in the Ice cave indicates as much. However, you can pick up more Henchmen at the Inn in Kristendorf.
That door does not require a key just a lock picker If you come across a door that is locked and you get no pop up text saying why when you click on it then you need no key to open it, just awesome lock-picking skills will do it.
The only keys relevant to the Mine and Volcanic tunnels are the "Bronze Mine Key" and The "Copper Mine Key" that Emerald Key you have is for a completely different dungeon all together. The mini Map on the screen shot you posted indicates you have already explored the entire Volcanic Tunnels already, so I'm not sure what your problem is. If you follow the quest chain the Volcanic Tunnels is about a third of the way through the module as such you should not have the Emerald key at that point, I can only assume you used the console to obtain it or rushed ahead and are now back tracking. If it was the former then it's no surprise you can't open that door, if the latter the door that requires the Emerald key is on the same level of the dungeon where you got it. That said for that door in the Volcanic Tunnels, and read this carefully, NO KEY IS REQUIRED TO OPEN THAT DOOR a character with a high enough unlock skill can get it open, the rogue henchman could certainly do it.
You can't, if you click on the console device you start a dialog that will present you with a numerical code you need to input. Do so correctly and the door to the next level will be unlocked. The whole point of that level was to figure out what the code was to input in order to progress further. There are two clues on that level that hint on how to figure it out.
If you or others need the commands or have never used the console before, you can open the console with `. You then need to type into it "DebugMode 1" and then "dm_spawnitem ce_item022", the latter of which will spawn the ring at where your cursor is pointing to on the ground. After you do this, type "DebugMode 0" into the console.
I can't get into the lightning door tower.
What happens next?
Am I to walk back to the captain or where is the man who gave me the map?
And BTW, I hope part 1 gets a minor update. It would have been nice to have the henchmen say a goodbye, like, "This is where it ends; we cannot go on with you. Our land and homes are here."
I used both halflings, the sorceress and rogue. It was just sad just to see them dumped when entering the snowy area.
I've attached the location with the map to show where I'm stuck.
Not sure where it goes to.
Used console to finish, but just did the husband and wife quests.
Will have to replay going outside the Gloomy Woods.
But yes, the problem was getting up on the floor past the emerald golem.
I think I found a piece of paper.