Using an NPC to trigger an area transition.

I know it can be done I just don't know how.
Basically I want an NPC 'ship captain' to have a conversation where if the player selects 'yes' then the player gets transported to a new area.
Basically I want an NPC 'ship captain' to have a conversation where if the player selects 'yes' then the player gets transported to a new area.
It might be OTT for your purposes,but it does ensure that everyone and everything on the ship travels to the new location.
...or, for a minimal approach, the Captain's Action Taken script can use AssignCommand to give the PC an ActionJumpToLocation. If the Captain needs to be at the new location, too, give them an ActionJumpToLocation as well.
I copied that script into action taken and added in the waypoint name but it does noithing.
void main()
object oPC = GetPCSpeaker();
location oTarget = GetLocation(GetWaypointByTag(wizardsrespitejumppoint));
AssignCommand(oPC, ActionJumpToLocation(oTarget));
While not a deal-breaker, I've found it to be good practice just in case.
will work identically to your original.