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Where to find the new NPCs

I'm one of those people who like to get my party together ASAP. Where can I find/pick up the new NPCs? Is Neera the only romanceable one?


  • FouneFoune Member Posts: 53
    Dorn in Friendly Arms Inn, inside the Inn, Rasaad in Nashkel, outside the Inn, dunno about Neera.
  • EldrythEldryth Member Posts: 56
    Neera: Beregost
    Rasaad: Nashkel
    Dorn: Friendly Arm Inn (but he doesn't join you right away, not sure what you need to do)

    All are romanceable for opposite-sex CHARNAMEs, one also has a same-sex romance (not sure which one).
  • GuarocuyaGuarocuya Member Posts: 26
    @Eldryth I can tell you, it's...
  • TalarashaTalarasha Member Posts: 62
    @Guarocuya, hey, no kidding?
  • styggastygga Member Posts: 467
    Where exactly is neera?
  • styggastygga Member Posts: 467
    Nevermind.. she's in a part I just hadn't explored... FOUND HER!
  • FornostFornost Member Posts: 42
    How do i get Dorn to join??
  • AlderonAlderon Member Posts: 53
    Fornost said:

    How do i get Dorn to join??

    Head to Naskhel. It may be completely random and simply the first time you get ambushed, but between Nashkel and the Mines I was ambushed with a new event, Dorn turns up and you all duke it out, then he asks to join you. If you refuse, he heads back to the Friendly Arm.
  • FornostFornost Member Posts: 42
    Thanks a ton!
  • ZyxstZyxst Member Posts: 9
    Foune said:

    Dorn in Friendly Arms Inn, inside the Inn, Rasaad in Nashkel, outside the Inn, dunno about Neera.


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