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Crafted Item Recipes

So basically, I'm kind of tired of looking through notepad documents and readmes online every time I want to look at item recipes, so I've decided to put my background to use and create an excel spreadsheet that has all craftable items in the game along with the recipes for them. My goal is to simply have an easy-to-read list every time I play that allows me to easily check things off as I progress through the game instead of wondering "is this gem needed in any recipes?"

My point in posting this is that I am breaking it down into who can craft what. This is my first time playing with Weimer's Item Upgrade mod and I have no idea what some of these items are or who can craft them, so I wanted to ask the forum:

Who is able to craft the items on Weimer's list? Are some Cromwell and some Cespenar? Or can they both do all of them?

I'd be more than happy to post the spreadsheet once it's finished so everyone can use it. I'm open to any suggestions!


  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    Some cromwell and some cespenar if i am not wrong.
    The ones with components you can get in soa have to be crafted in soa.
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    The Baldur's Gate Wiki pages for Cromwell and Cespenar have their various recipes listed. Feel free to extract the info from there to plug into your Excel spreadsheet. :)
    Note that if you're playing BG2:EE, Cespenar can also craft Silver Dragon Armor from the Silver Dragon Scales that you can find by slaying the two Silver Dragons that attack you during Dorn's ToB companion quest. I think that's the only missing item not mentioned in Cespenar's page.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    If you consider both vanilla and item upgrade there are some components that can be used to upgrade one of 2 or more weapons so need a choice.
    Illithium can be used for the mace or for the axe, you can not have both at the same time, bejouril can be used for the horn that summon the berseker warrior or for an IU item, the eye of tir can be used, with carsomyr, to upgrade soul reaver, but if you upgrade the pally sword you can not use it as component for the upgraded SR and there should be more issues.
  • WayniacWayniac Member Posts: 132
    @Zaxares I have those. I was looking for a list of which of those two crafts the Weimer item upgrades. I have no idea who does what and I'm not quite there yet in my current playthrough. I did not know about the other item you mentioned, though, so thanks!

    @gorgonzola your point about items only being able to be used once is actually what drove me to do this. I wanted to be able to see, for example, if I have an item that I'll have to make a decision about. It'd be great to be able to do some kind of sort that'll show every single item that can be crafted with the base items. I'm not sure exactly how the spreadsheet will turn out, but step one is getting the crafted items entered in. Then I can do whatever I want to make the data insanely sortable for future play-throughs.

    I'm thinking a drop-down menu that lets you select the item you're looking for and a box that displays all items that can be crafted with that item.
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    Oh! Sorry, I missed the Weimer part. I didn't use that mod so I'm afraid I can't provide any further insight. Hopefully one of the other forum vets here can answer your question. :)
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    @Zaxares this link
    allow you to read a detailed description about the mod, every possible item and needed components are clearly listed.
    if you want to take a look at the readme from there you can double check what items are also needed to upgrade vanilla items and are unique (for some items diamonds or other gems are needed, but there is plenty in the game).
    from what i remember the illithium, the eye of tyr, the bejouril (but is possible that in soa there are 2 of them, i am not sure about it).

    @Wayniac there are only few choices even with tactics installed, the shame is that in the game there is not a reference of it and a player not spoiled can make bad choices.
    and this is fine, RP wise for a first time player as is part of the adventure but can be annoying for a PG that has to remember from previous runs all the possible choices.
  • WayniacWayniac Member Posts: 132
    Yeah. I mean, I've played the game countless times and there always exists a period of time when I have to say, "Okay... time to go plan my crafting." Then I spend time trying to pull of various list and cross reference all of them. I'd like to just cut that out moving forward and have a list available that has all available items that allows me to quickly access exactly what I'm trying to find.

    @gorgonzola do you know which individual crafts the items from the mod or are they split between the two or can each do both?
  • masteralephmasteraleph Member Posts: 277
    edited August 2019
    To the best of my knowledge, items generally can be done by either. But some of the recipes require items that are in ToB only, so those are practically restricted to Cespenar.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    @masteraleph also some recipes you can get the items for in soa are restricted to cespenar, like the FoA+4.
    cromwell can craft only the recipes whose items are in SoA, not the ones you can get in WK, that before EE was a part of the ToB expansion, even if it is possible to get there in SoA.
    Wayniac wrote: »
    @gorgonzola do you know which individual crafts the items from the mod or are they split between the two or can each do both?

    if i am not wrong the baehavior of item upgrade is similar to the vanilla game one, cromwell craft the recipes whose components are found in soa (no wk) and cespenar the rest.

  • masteralephmasteraleph Member Posts: 277
    gorgonzola wrote: »
    @masteraleph also some recipes you can get the items for in soa are restricted to cespenar, like the FoA+4.
    cromwell can craft only the recipes whose items are in SoA, not the ones you can get in WK, that before EE was a part of the ToB expansion, even if it is possible to get there in SoA

    Sorry, I was specifically talking about Weimer items, which he did not restrict to either Cespenar or Cromwell.
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