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Big sale at GoG (Infinity Engine games, NWN, Gold Box, Arcanum)

themazingnessthemazingness Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 702
Just giving the PSA. GoG is having a huge sale including the Beamdog games, Gold Box and other classic titles of that era, Arcanum, and more this community would be interested in. Somehow NWN 2 didn't make the list, but everything else D&D that I checked did.


  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    The Gold Box games might be a bit harder to get into for younger players, but they still have a certain charm of their own, I feel. :) I came in at the tail end of the Gold Box era (when SSI was starting to transition into 3D-style games like Strahd's Possession and Menzoberranzan), but the early games really managed to capture the atmosphere of D&D in a way I didn't feel with other RPGs of the time, a feeling that wasn't matched until Baldur's Gate was released.
  • themazingnessthemazingness Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 702
    Zaxares wrote: »
    The Gold Box games might be a bit harder to get into for younger players, but they still have a certain charm of their own, I feel. :) I came in at the tail end of the Gold Box era (when SSI was starting to transition into 3D-style games like Strahd's Possession and Menzoberranzan), but the early games really managed to capture the atmosphere of D&D in a way I didn't feel with other RPGs of the time, a feeling that wasn't matched until Baldur's Gate was released.

    My introduction to D&D cRPGS was Dungeon Hack. In the late 90s I got the Forgotten Realms Archives on CD and well, had a hard time getting into the Gold Box games, but I did enjoy Menzoberranzan and the Ravenloft games that I also got (probably because of their similarity to Dungeon Hack). I also played Al-Qadim and the Dark Sun games all before the Infinity Engine games came out.

    I agree, Gold Box is hard to get into. In recent years I played through Pool of Radiance and loved it, but I burned out on Curse of the Azure Bonds. I do want to come back to it though, and to play the Dragonlance games through. The main thing that makes it hard for me to want to play is even while playing Pool of Radiance I dreaded combat (which there are times there is a lot of it). That is the one part of the games I don't like. I don't hate it, but it is clunky. I imagine if the combat interface were designed for mouse use I would have liked it a lot better. Everything else was an enjoyable experience though.
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