There isn't actually as much difference between the two editions as people seem to think. NWN2 implemented very few of those changes, mainly dr, caps on some spells, and minor tweaks of classes. Much more of it was making closer implementations of things that didn't significantly change between 3.0 and 3.5. Other significant differences between NWN and NWN2 comes from their own houserules and custom features.
Please, 3E is great for the most part. I'll take it over everything that came after it. The new stuff is flavorless and mundane by comparison.
Ahh, really? I come from the TSR Heritage of AD&D (1989 AND 1995 revisions), but also have the 3.5 Rulebook doubles - I never had an issue with THAC0 - and I want to get back into D&D again since I last played live on table in my 20s. And I always loved the evocatve, atmospheric, eerie art of those times (reminds me of Proteus Magazine covers, which my mother threw away, to my great chagrin)
Much opprobrium was levelled at 4th edition, with some old hands lamenting that Pathfinder is essentially a 3 1/4, or 3.75 edition improvement.
So why was the 3rd Edition disliked by so many while 4th Edition disliked by broadly everyone?
I gather that the 5th Edition is a huge improvement, but can I get away with using my older 3.5 rulebooks, or will I have to shell out £28 per book AGAIN in order to play live, or can I manage with the starter set?
Really? 3e is dreck, NWN2 was 3.5 so why not the modules?
Ahh, really? I come from the TSR Heritage of AD&D (1989 AND 1995 revisions), but also have the 3.5 Rulebook doubles - I never had an issue with THAC0 - and I want to get back into D&D again since I last played live on table in my 20s. And I always loved the evocatve, atmospheric, eerie art of those times (reminds me of Proteus Magazine covers, which my mother threw away, to my great chagrin)
Much opprobrium was levelled at 4th edition, with some old hands lamenting that Pathfinder is essentially a 3 1/4, or 3.75 edition improvement.
So why was the 3rd Edition disliked by so many while 4th Edition disliked by broadly everyone?
I gather that the 5th Edition is a huge improvement, but can I get away with using my older 3.5 rulebooks, or will I have to shell out £28 per book AGAIN in order to play live, or can I manage with the starter set?