Actually just realised I rounded the total damage based upon piercing resistance in total rather than per hit - if the game rounds up damage per hit (i.e. from 28.8 to 29) and there are no proficiencies then I think the answer is x = 0
I think x = 0 if there are no weapon proficiencies or only one point spent on spears to be proficient, mastery would add three damage per hit, specialisation would add two?
Let's see. Level 20 kensai starts with thaco of 1. With 19 strength, it's -2. With Mastery, it's -5. With weapon enhancement, it's -8. D's ac is -12, so need to roll 4 or better to hit. 15% of this kensai's attacks will miss. On average, 8 or 9 if the GWW attacks will hit.
Each hit during Kai will do 6 base + 13 enhancement + 7 strength + 3 Mastery damage, less 10% piercing resistance. So 26 damage per hit.
On average, then, 208 to 234 damage is dealt.
But, I forgot, the kensai cannot get GWW until level 21! Oops.
Adjusting to level 21, then, starting thaco would be 0, so 90% of attacks would hit, on average.
In that case, x = -56, and D is still alive and kicking.
I make it +6 kensai damage bonus, +7 strength bonus, spear does +19 damage and mastery does +3 so 35 per hit. Not sure if 31.5 per hit is rounded up or down under the game mechanics. Rounding up means 288 damage so he is just standing.
With grand mastery and two handed weapon maxed out he would be finished - but for that he can regen 6hp per second which should just keep him standing
Also what strength is she/he?
Revised equation:
Kensai(sub Lvl20*Str19) + Impaler(sub Mastery) + Kai + GWW = demogorgon - x
Add in all relevant proficiencies at max and it looks like he’d be toast ? Will need to look into using Impaler
I'm curious, does GWW roll once for all the attacks it each attack separately?
The hope is for x >= 290, or put another way, x needs to equal demogorgon, so that demogorgon - demogorgon will equal 0.
Specialization adds 2 damage, and Mastery adds 1 more, if I'm understanding it correctly.
Each hit during Kai will do 6 base + 13 enhancement + 7 strength + 3 Mastery damage, less 10% piercing resistance. So 26 damage per hit.
On average, then, 208 to 234 damage is dealt.
But, I forgot, the kensai cannot get GWW until level 21! Oops.
Adjusting to level 21, then, starting thaco would be 0, so 90% of attacks would hit, on average.
In that case, x = -56, and D is still alive and kicking.
Did I miss anything?
With grand mastery and two handed weapon maxed out he would be finished - but for that he can regen 6hp per second which should just keep him standing
Cool stuff.