Feature Implentations
Member Posts: 6,007
so this tread line is huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge with loads o' feature requests, what they should do is, in the configuration screen, have an entire tap called "feature implentations" and make all these ca-rA-Zee requests in there and make it so you can turn them on or off sort of thing, for example, say there is an option *no resting in dungeons* you could check the box and you couldnt rest in a dungeon, or another one could be "disable class kits* check the box and all class kits could be disabled, every single thing that is different from bg 1 ( minus the graphic upgrade, bug fixes, grammar/spelling fixes and the like) should be in this feature implentation tab, and you should be able to turn on which ones you want, and turn off which ones you want, and then maybe a few games later, you could turn off/ turn on different ones, and give your games more spice to them, and plus this could also add some HUGE replay value, so for example you could start of vanilla, then through play throughs, you can start turning more and more on, to give it that better replay value, this might be ambitious but this is where all these feature requests should go, i believe that will make EVERYONE 100 % happy here, everyone gets what they want, and all is good
My top pick for an advanced options tab would be the "Ironman Mode" Difficulty. (permanent death, no quick saves/saves except when exiting the game).