Need help with Tyrants of the Moonsea (spoilers)

Spoilers below for ending of Tyrants of the Moonsea.
I'm at the endfight with Zhentil Keep in flames and my party rushing to defeat the last boss. My henchwoman, when asked for advice, says that an extremely powerful magical weapon is needed to defeat the final boss.
I go in anyway, and it's clear that none of our attacks are landing any hits on the endboss.
I think it's clear I missed some major weapon. This module has been very long, so could a dev just reply on what special weapon I missed and how to get it? Thanks
I go in anyway, and it's clear that none of our attacks are landing any hits on the endboss.
I think it's clear I missed some major weapon. This module has been very long, so could a dev just reply on what special weapon I missed and how to get it? Thanks
Thank you!
Where is this forest?
1. On the snowy road to Hillsfar: There was still Luke Scull's original content of a guard at a locked gate, north of that road area. Was there ever a way to get in?
2. After rescuing Amberlyn, do we encounter Cheswick again?
3. What about the broken boat at the very south of the forest?
4. What is the best option for the genie in the bottle?
5. How do we free Elf from the slave market?
6. Fixed the Wrecker for Purple Portals, but when do we ask to use it?
7. Missed the Abandoned Orphanage quest; how do we obtain it?
8. Is there any way to make the Dominion whole so to please the Shadovar Assassin leader?
9. How many Henchmen were there total (just to make sure I got them all)?
10. What is the most heroic option to choose at the end?
(Question 9 may not be of any use if I did find all the henchmen, so I will ask another in its place): Where do we find rope to find that first tentacled creature down the well? I used the DebugMode1, and selected the area in order to continue
BUGS (if Ossian sees):
a) Summoning Chamber's door closes and locks- had to use the DebugMode1, jump to point to access the portal.
b) Sword Service in Hillsfar doesn't power up the talking sword, at least not displaying in her properties.
c) I left the Dominion Sword at the feet of the Shadovar Leader, just to make her happy. No dialogue triggering, but the evil pirate still has control over it, even with it not in inventory, and sends pirates to attack.
Leads to sub question: is there a way to avoid attacking Blizzard's pirate friend?
And what did happen to Blizzard, anyways?
I never managed to find a way in, as far as I know.
2. After rescuing Amberlyn, do we encounter Cheswick again?
Nope. I suppose he COULD have been one of the Doppelgangers that you fight in the Unseen hideout later, but if so he's not singled out.
3. What about the broken boat at the very south of the forest?
There's a boat that can be used to cross the river, where you find a drow camp on the other side. Is that the same boat you're talking about or a different one?
4. What is the best option for the genie in the bottle?
I think that picking the XP or gold options are the best. Wishing for an amazing adventure gives you "But you're already on one!" response from the genie, and wishing to meet a famous person doesn't result in anything different occuring (since you meet lots of famous NPCs in this module).
5. How do we free Elf from the slave market?
You have two options. You can either pay the slavemaster the fee for Elf and the other slaves outright, or you can go to the Temple of Loviatar and bribe the priestess there to reveal blackmail information about the slavemaster, then use that to extort the slavemaster to release the slaves for free. It's about 5000g cheaper if you take the blackmail route.
6. Fixed the Wrecker for Purple Portals, but when do we ask to use it?
Uhh, what's this object again? I don't remember running across something like that, but maybe I just forgot the name.
7. Missed the Abandoned Orphanage quest; how do we obtain it?
In Zhentil Keep, while walking along one of the roads, you might get pickpocketed by a girl. If you're nice to her, she tells you to meet her at the Abandoned Orphanage (the disguised Thieves Guild) for a follow-up quest.
8. Is there any way to make the Dominion whole so to please the Shadovar Assassin leader?
Not that I've discovered. Given the plot of TotM, it's probably intended to setup the story for the Blades of Netheril sequel.
9. How many Henchmen were there total (just to make sure I got them all)?
I believe there's a total of 5. The Human Fighter, the Elf Wizard, the Undead Rogue, the Harper, and the Sword.
10. What is the most heroic option to choose at the end?
The most "Good" option is probably to forgive the Raven Mage for his actions and escape Zhentil Keep together. However, given all the death and destruction he's caused, I think that handing him over to Fzoul Chembryl is also an equally fitting end. (Or you can try to, at least.
(Question 9 may not be of any use if I did find all the henchmen, so I will ask another in its place): Where do we find rope to find that first tentacled creature down the well? I used the DebugMode1, and selected the area in order to continue
Rope can be bought in some of the stores.
BUGS (if Ossian sees):
a) Summoning Chamber's door closes and locks- had to use the DebugMode1, jump to point to access the portal.
b) Sword Service in Hillsfar doesn't power up the talking sword, at least not displaying in her properties.
I ran into this bug too. The bug seems to be that if you don't say you want to wield Biermourna the FIRST time you meet her, you never get the dialogue option that lets you turn her into a wieldable weapon to place on the altar of Tempus for improvement. So, for now a workaround is to make sure that you say you want to wield her during the initial meeting, even if you're a class that can't wield swords, then upgrade her and change her back into a companion afterwards.
c) I left the Dominion Sword at the feet of the Shadovar Leader, just to make her happy. No dialogue triggering, but the evil pirate still has control over it, even with it not in inventory, and sends pirates to attack.
That's because by that point in time, the Dominion sword you have in your inventory is NOT the real Dominion, but a fake.
Leads to sub question: is there a way to avoid attacking Blizzard's pirate friend? And what did happen to Blizzard, anyways?
If you mean during the big pirate battle, not that I've discovered.
Wow, I was never able to buy the slaves. Slavemaster said they were 500 gold a piece, but never gives me an option to purchase.
Maybe I need to redownload.
You need to have 100,000 on you (just played through this a couple of hours ago.
I have a couple of questions regarding a couple of quests, maybe y'all can help me out:
1) In the "Pirates of Moonsea" quest (hunt down the three pirates) I found Ilandra no problem, and one of them (I forget his name) found me randomly while I was sailing somewhere, but I can't for the life of me figure out where the third one, Verys, is hiding.
2) Regarding Father Garth (the priest from the arena), I have a quest that says "perhaps if you escape the arena you'll have an opportunity to tell the tale of Father Garth's sacrifice" but I haven't found anyone to tell his story to.
Be really appreciative of any input.
2) I never found a resolution for that either.
Oh! That's right, I completely forgot about him. XD Yep, Phantasma is correct.
I don't know, maybe my game had a glitch, I scoured every inch of Hillsfar and didn't see any priests (other than the unnamed ones in the temple area, but none of those would engage in conversation). Maybe I'll get luckier next play through.
Holy hell, I found him. He's in the
I can't believe I missed him before! I went over that entire zone like half a dozen times mousing over (I thought) everything. Well, thanks for the help (again, since you also answered my DoD question).
Also now that I think about unsolved stuff: does anyone know what was up with the Smith, I think in Mulmaster? Difficulty level: impossible, description: something is weird about this guy and raspy and short dialogue. Maybe he was connected to a quest I had missed.
You find Veris in the Oxpit in Mulmaster, but cannot engage him until after your encounter with the Admiral on the Moonsea.