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Any mod who adds more 3.5e abilities to Dragon Disciple?

SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
edited August 2019 in General Modding
I know that 3.5e is a prestige class, not an base class. The way that classes works are very different in BG and in 3.5e D&D or pathfinder, but i wanna things like for eg >
  • Be able to be of silver, gold, green, blue, etc ancestry, not only "fire/red"
  • Shapeshange into an dragon and get wing effects
  • Breath weapon who deals different damage depending your ancestry who can be 2 or even 3 x / day depending your level

I tried the Tome of Blood, but honestly, no breath weapon and the fact that some spells like animate dead won't appear made me uninstall the mod... Still loved some things like crafting wands, is an amazing mod but is not what i an expecting when i read "dragon disciple"


  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    Tome and Blood admittedly approaches things more from a 2e or 5e perspective than a 3.5e; the implementation of Dragon Disciple I use is heavily patterned off of the Draconic Heritage for 5th Edition Sorcerers.

    As for your requests, a kit that adds other dragons/elements would be pretty easy to do (and changing the breath weapon wouldn't be too awful either, just gotta make 5 different spells, one for each damage type.

    Dragon shapeshifting could also be done but would be hard to balance. A bigger issue is that there really aren't that many dragon animations available; there are the big dragon animations (so big that they couldn't move around in most maps at all), and then... wyverns and IWD2's half-dragons? I guess you could palette swap wyverns...? Alternatively, if someone wanted to invest days into a project, they could probably make the half-dragon animations recolorable, and then you could use those,

    What is your vision for how wings would work mechanically? Immunity to ground-effects or maybe substantially increased melee Armor Class? As for animations: I don't think the animations support the addition of wings as a backpiece (the only one that I know is are the angel wings "helmet" animation). Again from an aesthetic perspective, this would require a lot of animation work.

    In short: shapeshifting and wings lack animations; wings need defined mechanical benefits that work within the game engine; changing element/ancestry/breath weapon is easy.
  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    Aquadrizzt, i don't care much about balance. IMO Cool factor, fun and immersion >> balance. Mainly in a SP game. And lets be honest, D&D is not an "balanced" game and it makes more fun IMO. Pathfinder Kingmaker allow you to use Form of the Dragon spell and gives it for sorcerers of draconic bloodline

    On pnp >

    The main difference is : No fly.

    But you are right, is hard to implement wings on IE, so only letting me to use an cold/electric breath weapon and have an similar table to DD will be enough for an mod. Maybe add few spells/
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