Weird "darkvision" bug?

I've been working on a module and whenever I load it, the screen is black and white as if the PC has been under the darkvision effect. The weird thing is that I haven't used anything related to darkvision in any script. This happens with any character I try to use, and it only happens with my module. Even weirder: if I load it via the Test Module (F9) from the toolset, the effect is no longer there. It only happens when I load NWN from Steam. Any idea on what's going on?
Encumbrance values are adjusted, for example, so those will be incorrect when playing outside of Arelith. Spears will be (or try to be) one handed, harper scouts can take Divine Might, and a bunch of other changes that probably aren't desirable in a single player or non-Arelith multiplayer experience.
Here is the warning I've added to the Workshop Item:
I know it's not convenient, and sudden, and I do wish there was a way to have messaged all of the subscribers, but right now, since shader overrides do not re-compile mid-game (if received from NWSync, for example), this has decidedly been the best way to achieve the effect now featured on the server.