can we get anti-aliasing to work on the character select appearance screen?
can we get anti-aliasing to work on the character select appearance screen?
I would like my character portrait to look like my character so if I could take a nice screenshot during character creation it would be great. Right now the screenshots do not look like they have had anti-aliasing applied and are too jagged looking in game to use as portraits, though the lighting is right, taking a screenshot in game can be a chore as it means selecting an area in a mod with the right lighting.

I would like my character portrait to look like my character so if I could take a nice screenshot during character creation it would be great. Right now the screenshots do not look like they have had anti-aliasing applied and are too jagged looking in game to use as portraits, though the lighting is right, taking a screenshot in game can be a chore as it means selecting an area in a mod with the right lighting.