Why do we have two folders for haks/mods/music etc.?

Is this wasting space or is there a good reason that the Steam installation of NWN:EE has data in the Documents folder and the steamapps folder? I just went to download Siege of Shadowdale and Crimson Tides of Tethyr and installed them in the wrong place only to realize everything was in Documents.
Would it be possible to put this all in one place so it isn't wasting space and causing confusion?
Would it be possible to put this all in one place so it isn't wasting space and causing confusion?
As an example of not having two folders, Bioware placed several items in a "Fresh install" of the override folder for 1.69, and when players "cleaned out" their override folders, these files were nearly always also deleted.
This separation creates a huge convenience to the players, and the only cost is that you have to pretend the install folder doesn't exist if the topic is too confusing for you to accurately tell them apart. Everything you want to do can be done in the /documents folder.
As far as wasting space is concerned, since the files aren't duplicated in both folders, no, you're not losing extra hard drive space.