HOTU Chapter 2: Boat to isles submerged in cut scene

I would like for other folks to test this please and confirm before I add to bug tracker.
Start a new HOTU game (use a saved toon for ease), Chapter 2, talk to seer, take the boat to isle of maker or the lost elves isle and the first cut scene of the boat traveling (for me at least) the boat is mostly underwater, with just the mast showing above the waterline.
Confirmation negative or positive would be helpful in the bug description. TY
Note: I do have screenshots of this and will include in the bug tracker.
Start a new HOTU game (use a saved toon for ease), Chapter 2, talk to seer, take the boat to isle of maker or the lost elves isle and the first cut scene of the boat traveling (for me at least) the boat is mostly underwater, with just the mast showing above the waterline.
Confirmation negative or positive would be helpful in the bug description. TY

Note: I do have screenshots of this and will include in the bug tracker.
TBH I don't think these are the bugs that beamdog should focus on, there are much more worse ones, but the bug does exist.
If its an already 'known bug' I won't bother posting @bugtracker
but it did change the experience some for me, and had a small lol...A submarine?
Otherwise as far as the OC so far this is the only obvious issue I have seen from the Wailing to HOTU besides one typo...
pretty dam good imho. *understatement