List of visual effects for spellcasting? (hand,head,ground,projectile (not VFX_))

I’m looking for a list of the models/effects for these rows in spells.2da :
|ConjHeadVisual |ResRef of the visual model to be used on the caster’s head.|
|ConjHandVisual |ResRef of the visual model to be used on the caster’s hands.|
|ConjGrndVisual |ResRef of the visual model to be used. This field is used for the higher level spells to make them look more “grand”, especially if they have lower level counterparts.|
|CastHeadVisual |ResRef of visual model played on the caster’s head when casting the spell.|
|CastHandVisual |ResRef of visual model played on the caster’s hands when casting the spell.|
|CastGrndVisual |ResRef of grand visual model.|
|Proj|Value 0 (false) or 1 (true). States whether this spell uses a projectile model used during the CastTime|
|ProjModel |ResRef of the model|
I remember a homepage with pictures of at least some of the effects/models:
link near bottom of :
( Spells.2da by sLsR — a calculator for the bitfield columns plus an illustrated guide to the various visuals and sounds available for several other columns.
But this no longer exists unfortunately… Does anybody have a copy or know of another list?
|ConjHeadVisual |ResRef of the visual model to be used on the caster’s head.|
|ConjHandVisual |ResRef of the visual model to be used on the caster’s hands.|
|ConjGrndVisual |ResRef of the visual model to be used. This field is used for the higher level spells to make them look more “grand”, especially if they have lower level counterparts.|
|CastHeadVisual |ResRef of visual model played on the caster’s head when casting the spell.|
|CastHandVisual |ResRef of visual model played on the caster’s hands when casting the spell.|
|CastGrndVisual |ResRef of grand visual model.|
|Proj|Value 0 (false) or 1 (true). States whether this spell uses a projectile model used during the CastTime|
|ProjModel |ResRef of the model|
I remember a homepage with pictures of at least some of the effects/models:
link near bottom of :
( Spells.2da by sLsR — a calculator for the bitfield columns plus an illustrated guide to the various visuals and sounds available for several other columns.
But this no longer exists unfortunately… Does anybody have a copy or know of another list?