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Noob starting guide/tips for creating custom models?

I host a server and i'd like to get into creating custom creatures/weapons/etc models for it in my spare time. I'm familiar with things like Photoshop and what not, but beyond that i'm a complete noob with 3D modeling. I know of programs like blender but have never used them.

So, i would appreciate any resources, suggestions, etc on where and how to get started.

How tough is it exactly to get started in something like this? Will i be able to make some decent/good looking models in a few months? or is something that will take a long time to learn and be good at?



  • jpsweeney94jpsweeney94 Member Posts: 98
    edited September 2019
    also are there any legal issues to be aware of?? the server is themed around a very popular fantasy franchise.. Since it's a game mod and i'm not making any money, i assume it's ok to model creatures after the existing franchise material?? or is it more complex?
  • AtrophiedericAtrophiederic Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 148
    edited September 2019
    In the gulf between BioWare's support of NwN and Beamdog's appearance on the scene, @TheAmethystDragon created a fan site, Neverwinter Nights Community Site, to help direct folks who had general questions about NwN and modding NwN. This link leads to the Custom Content page of the Community Site, and has many directions to find tutorials and resources for making custom content. It's a great jumping off point! And, of course, the Neverwinter Vault has many tutorials and resources as well!
    Happy content creating!
  • AtrophiedericAtrophiederic Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 148
    As far as legal issues go, some franchises are more litigious than others, and may be particularly interested if you're pulling assests from current games to use on your server. I have no experience with these issues, but can recall some instances where properties on servers were in question. Ultimately, I think, if you're not making any money off of the venture, there should be no problems.
    [Disclaimer: I could be wrong about all this!]
  • CalgacusCalgacus Member Posts: 273
    You also may want to look at @Tonden 's videos on Blender.
  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    edited September 2019
    Here is a nice list of some of the videos I have created TOP Videos I hope that they are able to help.

  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    edited September 2019
    See if you can handle this tutorial by TheBarbarian. It was made to help to teach 16 year old schoolkids the basics of using Blender. This is a pdf tutorial so you can print it out if you want.

    Also, I am surprised that nobody suggested that you create an account over on the Neverwinter Vault if you don't already have one there. You don't need an account to download stuff but if you ever want to post your creations or ask on the forums there, for help you'll need an account.

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