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Neera Epilogue *spoilers*

I really liked her confession at the end and it seemed like everything was going well so what does her leaving at the end signifies?
Im genuinely lost here, does that mean she died, was it that long? Or did she just leave for home in the forrest for the final time? Or is it that she ended the relationship and we just knew where she is going?

I genuinely did not know of a place she would go to and wouldnt let us know :disappointed:

Didnt find any topics about this and id like to hear what other people thought of it.

I know many of the epilogue slides are actually quite bittersweet or tragic but this one is just mysterious and it felt rather happy till then.

Thanks for answers.


  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Its Neera. She lost interest and just started wandering again.
  • ilduderinoilduderino Member Posts: 773
    I took it the mean that she wanders off but you know her so well that you know where she will be and she will be happy that you find her
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    Like ilduderino, I interpreted Neera's ending to mean "She's just as flighty and capricious as she ever was, but you know Neera well enough by now that even if she doesn't say anything to you, you know her so well that you can predict where she's going to go and what she's going to do." It's a bond, of sorts. It may not be the traditional romantic bond you've come to expect from relationships, but it's a unique one nonetheless, probably more than Neera would ever have found otherwise. It's up to you to decide if that makes you happy or not. ;)
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    i always assume she went back to the high forest.
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