are old companions speaking new dialogue?

i could have sworn i dont remember jaheira and khalid interupting me and talking in the original. i remember when i played for the first time last year there being a lack of party conversations compared to bg2. did this just never happen to me in the original for some reason, or should i expect some more party talk from the old characters. not that i dont mind taking a moment from adventuring to hear what they have to say rather than following almost silently. overall, i am liking the enhanced edition so far. not fond of the new movies, but they are for the most part similar. i wont complain though. they look much nicer than the old in terms of graphics.
"Not NOW Jaheira!"
According to IMDB, Melissa Disney voiced Imoen in BG1/2. She is not amongst the voice actors listed in the BG:EE credits.
As for dialogues with new NPCs and old NPCs, I've seen some (Viconia and Rasaad just love each other).
I've heard other banters too, but between old-old NPCs, I haven't heard any for the time being. There might be some though, Overhaul wasn't allowed to edit the existing content, but they could have added to it