Shapeshifting Druid - Fixed?

Hey all. Alas I'm at work so I can't even check the manual (grr, three and a half more hours....), but can anyone tell me if the Shapeshifter kit Druid has been fixed? ie, they actually get the bonuses that they're supposed to get, and they remain reasonably competitive?
Also, can you Multiclass kits, or pure class only?
Also, can you Multiclass kits, or pure class only?
Werewolf stats: ( That were missing)
Magic res: +20%
Immune to normal weapons.
1d12 damage.
Shapeshifter stats: (That are important)
Magic res: +20%
Weak to normal weapons.
1d6 +7 damage.
+1 attacks per turn.
Base AC set to 0.
Run speed equal to barbain.
Can use wands/scrolls in form.
Thaco -3.
Con set to 15 (Means if you had 16 con you lose one HP per level)
Gets all the benifts of single weapon style.
Gets the benifits of the off hand weapon equipd (Cancels out above.)
Dual welding gives a extra attack with no THAC0 loss.
Sword and shield,two weapon and two handed weapon styles give no bonuses.
Helmets, Boots, rings and gloves all give bonuses in Were-form.
You can talk in wereform so the only time you need to leave is to cast.
So they are much better now.
Pretty amazing actually since you can shift at level 1.
PS: Any new players making Wolfs should know.
Strn is set to: 19
Dex is set to: 16
Con is set to: 15
you can't wear armor but that doesn't matter because your AC is set to 0 and you get another -1 from your dex.
Moving to new zones doesn't make you lose form.
You can dual class to any pure class once your done with your shape-shifter.
You can only multi-class with pure classes, not kits.
I've noticed a couple of odd things with equipment and shifting. Like I equipped the Bracers of AC 8 and then shifted and I had AC-5, then after reloading the game my AC was -2 and the Bracers did nothing. Calculations bug I assume.
I was rather surprised to get the -1AC from my offhand buckler, but if I can have an offhand weapon for an extra attack....
I think I'm going to have to experiment with trying different weapon setups to see what each of them gives me.
No surprise the Immunity to normal weapons isn't there, that'd be incredibly broken early game.
My Werewolf has been a great tank so far (I'm only lvl 3), occasionally shifting back to normal form to do some healing and such. Or you know, as great as a melee character can be in a world where you can be one-shot by pretty much everything that fights you if you get crit.
You mean that when BG2:EE comes out, Cernd will actually be a useful companion? WOOT!
I'm so very happy now, at least two completely useless characters from BG2 will actually be worth grouping with for an extended period of time!
I still hope they redo the stats on Anomen and Jaharia to at least make them somewhat useful.