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Question: BGConfig.exe?

Is there a config program for EE that I am just not seeing?
I started playing but after years of playing the bg series at higher than standard fps, it's too slow and making me itch. Is there some way to adjust it as EE currently stands, or do I need to just live with it?



  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    There were some issues with the fps adjustment, so it was (I believe) disabled. I believe they're working on fixing it, although I can't make any promises as to when.

    If/when it is fixed, though, it'll probably be in baldur.ini.
  • ZaorZaor Member Posts: 69
    Ah. Thank you for the speedy reply! I'll just muddle on and get used to 30 or so again.
  • begolf00begolf00 Member Posts: 152
    That's nice to here that there going to fix it. Though I hope it's not put in the ini file. Miss the config file.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Many of the config options were moved into the actual Options screen in the game itself. If there's an option that's not there from the config file that you wish was still there (like fps, for example, although not that one because they already know about it), submit a feature request and it'll get looked at.
  • SilenceSilence Member Posts: 437
    Thank you! I was wondering about this!!!!
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